Deleted Tweets From Jack Achenbach, D-Fla.
Jack Achenbach's accounts: JackAchenbach
Tracked Between: May 03, 2021-August 23, 2022
JackAchenbach (D-Fla.)
RT @NPR: Tesla shares fell sharply on Monday after CEO Elon Musk surprised his Twitter followers with a strange proposal: He…
JackAchenbach (D-Fla.)
RT @mattyglesias: It does seem like we should be talking about legal immigration more if we're worried about labor shortages. QT @DKThomp: WHERE HAVE ALL THE WORKERS GONE? JPMorgan guesstimate: 35%: financial cushion with unempl…
JackAchenbach (D-Fla.)
RT @elonmusk: U r result of ~4 billion years of evolutionary success
JackAchenbach (D-Fla.)
RT @CCPISASSH0E: I take my kids for their flu shots every year. There is no way in HELL they’re getting this vax. Once they’re 18, they can… QT @loftipixels: WATCH THIS: Joe Rogan annihilates @drsanjaygupta over vaccinating children. Sanjay seems utterly lost here; almost…
JackAchenbach (D-Fla.)
If you make me late to work, I will never support your cause. QT @MrAndyNgo: Fed-up drivers forcibly drag away environmentalist protesters blocking traffic outside London (near Dartford Crossi…
JackAchenbach (D-Fla.)
RT @mattyglesias: Boring but important — in the aggregate, the public thinks Democrats are too far left and Republicans are too far r…
JackAchenbach (D-Fla.)
Never trust a politician that pushes emotional buzzwords over facts. Change comes from a dataset, not the heart.
JackAchenbach (D-Fla.)
@TArtist360 @kylegriffin1 If you truly believe your kids are in danger of dying from Covid, why on Earth are you sending them to school with a cloth mask? Be smart and keep them at home with an N95.
JackAchenbach (D-Fla.)
@Kon__K Because 50% of the population are not terrorists. Since 1916 at least 27 male terrorists committed attacks in Australia. Thusly, you have a 1/6000 chance of being killed in a terrorist attack per year and a 1/5,000,000 chance of being killed by a man in per year in Australia.
JackAchenbach (D-Fla.)
Neither Republicans nor Democrats are more or less fiscally responsible. Since 1965, spending by administration is hardly different.