Deleted Tweets From Jared Huffman, D-Calif.
Jared Huffman's accounts: JaredHuffman, RepHuffman
Tracking Since: November 15, 2012
President Trump has launched our country into what may become an unwarranted, lasting mess. We are incredibly fortunate to have not lost any American lives yet from Trump's impulsive act, but make no mistake: we are already experiencing grave repercussions.
The President of the United States should make Americans, and the world, safer. Instead, we have a President who provoked Iran into restarting its nuclear weapons program, regularly alienates our allies by keeping them in the dark --
-- and cannot get his story straight about the reasons for this strike or whether our troops are leaving Iraq. Trump has created a real and lasting problem, and we should not assume that Iranian retaliation is over.
Trump’s conduct demands action by Congress. We must reassert our constitutional authority, prevent even more damage to our country, and put hard checks on Trump's war-making efforts. #NoWarWithIran
RT @McFaul: Can I rewrite this headline? "Tragically, the Iranian missile attack resulted in casualties of Iraqi soldiers, stationed togeth… QT @AmichaiStein1: #BREAKING: Iranian missile attack resulted in casualties among Iraqis only — Pentagon)
RT @ron_fournier: No president would be so cynical QT @realDonaldTrump: In order to get elected, @BarackObama will start a war with Iran.)
RT @waltshaub: I'm old enough to remember when the folks who are trying to out the whistleblower—ostensibly to assess the whistleb…
RT @ChrisVanHollen: If true, this is a flagrant violation of our obligation as a host country for the United Nations. Maybe President T…
@girlsreallyrule Those who compare him to Jesus are overlooking virtually everything he says and does. The only thing about Trump that resembles Jesus is maybe running around in a loincloth (at one of Jeff Epstein's parties).
RT @sueysaunders: @RepHuffman Marin staff member Jennifer saying it for all of us #ImpeachAndRemove #ImpeachmentEve
RT @thedailybeast: Russian commentators note, rightly, that “sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power," and they’re al…
Trading your party and your integrity for Trump's endorsement. Shame, Rep. Quid Van Pro. 7 Aides Resign Over Rep. Van Drew’s Plan to Switch to Republican Party
RT @ron_fournier: Our president is bullying a teen on Twitter. #BeBest QT @realDonaldTrump: So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend…
RT @mattyglesias: All of Trump’s best decisions involve distancing himself from idiots he hired.
RT @dallaspamela53: @JaredHuffman LOVED the personal stories you told of him. Best introduction I've seen yet. Served to endear him to us even more.
Trump's latest plan to destroy pristine wilderness is to sell off land in Alaska's @TongassNF, is a rushed, flawed, and reckless move that could detonate a "carbon bomb" and result in 5 billion metric tons of C02 emissions.
RT @DefendersNews: House Committee Moves to Gut the Endangered Species Act
Not sure which is funnier, Larry David imagining a benevolent Trump who really cares about "corruption" in Ukraine, or pretending that Melania ever actually sleeps in the same room with him.
RT @brianbeutler: Everyone's forgotten by now, but the transcript of the secret 2016 conversation where @GOPLeader says Putin pays Tr…
We’re back with a new episode of Off the Cuff! In this week’s edition, I sat down with @UnitedTribes_BB’s Deputy Director Lindsay Layland to talk about the severe impact that the proposed #PebbleMine would have and why it’s critical that we #SaveBristolBay