Deleted Tweets From Jeff Sossa-Paquette, R-Mass.
Jeff Sossa-Paquette's accounts: Jeff4CongressMA
Tracked Between: September 05, 2021-November 22, 2022
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
RT @Jeff4CongressMA: When we stop looking for racism and biases everywhere we look; we get to feel America instead #MA02
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
RT @Jeff4CongressMA: Do you think those who've been in D.C. for decades really have the average American's best interests in mind?
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
@RepMcGovern @WhiteHouse This has nothing todo with the White House nice try Jim
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
RT @Jeff4CongressMA: So let’s get this correct, Teachers are above the law? They do not have to follow a judge’s order, this has to stop QT @wbz: Haverhill teachers continue strike despite judge's order to stop, schools closed on Tuesday
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
RT @Jeff4CongressMA: We're here to take back our country, and put Americans first.
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
RT @Jeff4CongressMA: It's going to take a long time to reverse our nation's debts - but we must start.
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
RT @Jeff4CongressMA: Enough it’s time to create legislation that all education dollars follow the child not the school district. No more…
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
RT @Jeff4CongressMA: This republican is not afraid of teachers unions. I will fight to get teachers back to teaching and remove teachers…
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
This republican is not afraid of teachers unions. I will fight to get teachers back to teaching and remove teachers and their unions out of politics or we strip their funding. We pay teachers to teach, if they want to be a politician then run for office others teach our children
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
RT @Jeff4CongressMA: Our military must be unequaled, both in strength and technology. At the same time, it is time that we take a hard l…
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
RT @Jeff4CongressMA: No Democrat wants Joe Biden to run again. Just quit Joe!
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
RT @Jeff4CongressMA: God Bless America!
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
RT @Jeff4CongressMA: We're here to take back our country, and put Americans first.
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
RT @Jeff4CongressMA: Really @RepMcGovern we can build back better at 9.1% inflation. Yet you want to spend trillions more assuring the d…
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
RT @Jeff4CongressMA: Had Enough Yet �#MA02
Jeff4CongressMA (R-Mass.)
RT @Jeff4CongressMA: Borders are necessary, simple as that.