Deleted Tweets From Jeffrey Buongiorno, R-Fla.
Jeffrey Buongiorno's accounts: JeffBuongiorno
Tracked Between: February 26, 2021-August 24, 2022
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
@NikkiFried @GovRonDeSantis "No Platform Nikki" = NPN at it again.
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
@RandPaul Feed a Cold Starve a Fever Politicize COVID
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
@BarnettforAZ You know about Minnesota amd M.L.?
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
@CortesSteve Joe and Frank have them beat by far...
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
@ErrolWebber Dollar cost average with Cuomo and its only 138 mill each.
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
@kayleighmcenany He needs a bib mandate
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
@CharlieCrist The CCP. Charlie Crist Platform, or lack thereof. #FlaPol #Florida
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
RT @ThomasSowell: There was a time when we honored those who created the prosperity and the freedom that we enjoy. Today we honor the…
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
@GeorgiaLogCabin 3,326 arrest 526 for violent crimes Billions in property damage Untold number is small businesses will never reopen Murders, beatings The Capitol was back in session with houre. Who believes 4 Capitol police committed "suicide"? #flaPol #SaveAmerica
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
@newsmax @DrDominicGreen Fauci is not only the problem, he created the problem. The arsonist fireman should be imprisoned!
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
@AnthonySabatini @JebBush @AnthonySabatini Tell us how you really feel! #STAYLOUD sir!
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
@MaryEllenKlas Hospitalized "with" COVID not for COVId
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
@NikkiFried @CDCgov The truth is below. Florida will always have deaths. People are dying with COVID not from COVID. No platform Nikki is a fearmongerer. #FlaPol #Florida #SaveAmerica #StayLoud QT @CMackMost: Please don't let the pro vaxxers hear this #COVID19 #vaccine #education
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
@ElectionWiz @AnthonySabatini This needs to be done in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach at the very least.
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
@GeorgePapa19 How does he even stand up straight without one?
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
@MaryEllenKlas @fran_chambers Leaders lead...Tough break
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
@history_cower @USATRUMPMAN1 He doesn't..
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
JeffBuongiorno (R-Fla.)
@BarnettforAZ When you enter a private gym, an LLC, you become a person... When you are a Senator Whitehouse, when you enter your all white country club you are a "People" @DaveCaresForYou should be proud!