Deleted Tweets From Jim Sensenbrenner, R-Wis.
Jim Sensenbrenner's accounts: JimPressOffice
Tracking Since: October 01, 2012
RT @ToddRuger: Standing ovation from lawmakers and gallery in the House Judiciary room for @JimPressOffice, the longtime committee…
RT @RepDougCollins: .@JimPressOffice: It is absolutely shocking that the majority of this committee is going to ask the chief law enforcement officer of the United States to commit a crime.
RT @RepSeanDuffy: For the 8th straight month Wisconsin has had at or under 3% unemployment. Our Wisconsin job market is sizzling! ????
RT @RepArmstrongND: MUST WATCH: The Democratic witnesses at the House Judiciary Committee hearing testified that the subpoena committee…
RT @NTU: Congratulations to the top 10 Taxpayers' Friends in the House. @JimPressOffice @SteveScalise @RepGosar @RepLukeMesser @RepTomGarrett @RepAndyHarrisMD @ToddRokita @RepMoBrooks @Jim_Jordan @RepDaveBrat
RT @dcexaminer: GOP bill makes Mexican drug cartels pay for the wall
RT @RepBryanSteil: No better way to welcome back to work the Dean of the delegation than with some of @JimPressOffice’s favorites: Che…
RT @USHouseHistory: #TakeYourDogtoWorkDay: 4 pups in #HouseCollection portraits. Whose best friends are they?
RT @NTU: NTU's @amoylan praised the new bill on internet sales tax introduced by @JimPressOffice following the #Wayfair decision this summer.
According to CBO estimates, this legislation could cause the loss of as many as 3.7 millions jobs, and reduce family incomes by $9 billion. Republicans have fought to make the economy strong and the job market great for workers.
I’m grateful to all of the witnesses, especially Dr. Timothy Westlake, who has been instrumental in my work on this issue. His expertise and passion have proven invaluable as we try to end the scourge of the opioid epidemic.”
Wishing the best to all those celebrating on this first night of Hanukkah. May your holiday be filled with hope and light! Chag sameach!
RT @PreteInDC: Believe it or not, there’s more than one hearing on the Hill today. House Judiciary Subcommittee is analyzing sport…
JUST PASSED: The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. My Statement:
Rep. Sensenbrenner Reintroduces Legislation to Bolster American Standing in Arctic Circle, Check Russian and Chinese Influence
After two years, millions of taxpayer dollars, and the full power of our legal system, Mueller has confirmed that the President did not collude with Russia.
Add @Lowes to the growing list of more than 250 businesses passing on the benefits of #taxreform to its employees -> #TaxReformWorks QT @FoxBusiness: .@Lowes to pay US staff $1,000 bonus following tax reform
I am eager to read the full report, but today’s top line summary from the Attorney General is a welcomed vindication for the President.”
BIG: President Trump signed the Family Farmer Relief Act into law today. You can read more about it here: