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Deleted Tweets From Jim Banks, R-Ind.

Deleted Tweets From Jim Banks, R-Ind.

Jim Banks's accounts: Jim_Banks, RepJimBanks

Tracking Since: August 19, 2016

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This is a shocking violation of this family’s privacy. What’s really sad -- this is what life is like every day as #Uighur Muslims in communist China. The #CCP spies on minority ethnic groups like the Uighurs, detaining or harassing any that speak out. https://t.co/B7QrvET36i

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RT @afncwoodward: "When he was attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, Barr was very successful in prosecuting offenders o… https://t.co/JYFwTcSBki

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You don't have to take GOP's word for it. This partisan #impeachment is purely political -- according to Democrats! https://t.co/QWv12tyUkU https://t.co/3GGsI3UPz1 https://t.co/77Twz51m8F QT @RepGosar: Democrats are only impeaching @realDonaldTrump because they know they can’t beat him at the ballot box. Listen to… https://t.co/zghJMkOWC5)

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Catch my thoughts on the #HorowitzIGReport and why we should see Adam Schiff’s phone records. Coming up soon live on @FoxFriendsFirst.

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Throughout the entire impeachment process, @realDonaldTrump has not been given due process nor the opportunity to defend himself. The American people see all of this for what it is – not what House Dems wish it to be: a sham. https://t.co/Cq2cpKICcL

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If/when this process moves over to the Senate, @LindseyGrahamSC should subpoena @RepAdamSchiff's records, call him to testify along with Joe & Hunter Biden and @MarkSZaidEsq so the facts can be unearthed and the American people can see what's been kept from them. https://t.co/LloDlW6bdy

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Left wing media knows Dems bungling of #impeachmentsham & passing #USMCA seals the deal for @realDonaldTrump’s re-election. His strong record in 1st term has been incredible for our economy & the American worker, for our troops & national defense and for our nation’s future! QT @chrislhayes: Nothing more perfectly embodies the Democratic party than announcing articles of impeachment and a huge deal with t… https://t.co/f6aOVIb2tZ)

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China plans to remove all foreign software from gov't computers over next 3 years. Bc/ China sees foreign tech as endangering its nat'l security apparatus. I wonder where they got THAT idea... @realDonaldTrump shouldn't back away from #HuaweiBan https://t.co/6Mlwg4xOl2

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“His wrongdoing strikes at the heart of our Constitution”- @speakerpelosi. But there's no evidence of high crimes or misdemeanors! Meanwhile, Dems are staging an impeachment coup over policy disagreements-a top concern of the Founder's. That's what threatens our Constitution!

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Key report on China exploiting quantum labs at western universities. #CCP now leads globe in some military quantum tech. My bill, H.R. 1678, requires students from China to receive waivers to work on DoD funded projects at US universities. Pass now! https://t.co/4NJmWl9O4p

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Russia/China have completed a $55 Billion pipeline. #Huawei is developing Russia’s 5g network. In Sept. the countries performed 1st joint military exercise. Anti-US/anti-democracy alliance is clear. Strong US defense/economic response is essential. https://t.co/64TusSSMtw

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RT @ScottJenningsKY: Morning observations: 1) Stakes for Sondland raised even higher 2) Taylor didn't give Dems a made for TV dramatic… https://t.co/RCedYO0MxF

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Frightening. China-owned tech companies have the ability to spread #CCP censorship around the globe. And that’s exactly what @TikTok is doing. https://t.co/t5YNzI7Ei4

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The US election came soon after the 99th anniversary of the Russian revolution —the result was contemporary US version of Bolshevik rev... Like the Bolsheviks, his [Trump's]campaign was big on slogans and short on content"- Impartial witness, Fiona Hill https://t.co/43KRiwYaoS

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Congress has passed the #HongKongHumanRightsandDemocracyAct. Now the Trump administration must hold #Beijing accountable for human rights abuses in #HongKong. We support freedon-loving people and #StandwithHK!

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Very bad day for @RepAdamSchiff, @SpeakerPelosi and Democrats. #ImpeachmentSham is crumbling. Another Democrat star witness just told American people there was no bribery & no quid pro quo. "I was never involved in anything that I considered bribery at all... or extortion." https://t.co/mK8prvlJrE

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.@RepRatcliffe nails it. Democrats poll-tested, and they found that the crime of “bribery” alarms voters the most. The only problem is… none of the witnesses say they witnessed any “bribery.” They’re accusing the @realDonaldTrump of a crime 1st and searching for evidence 2nd! https://t.co/GVkoMzehWH

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