Deleted Tweets From Joaquin Castro, D-Texas
Joaquin Castro's accounts: JoaquinCastrotx, Castro4Congress
Tracking Since: January 24, 2013
RT @dallasnews: Texas suffers as Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn neglect to appoint judges | @DMNOpinion
RT @BruceRheins: Another view of Laura Ingraham at the end of her speech. This is a real photo from Getty Images. #RNCinCLE
RT @JTrahan96: @Castro4Congress QT @JTrahan96: I'm a #ProudDem because my party values facts over fiction. @CastroForCongress
RT @Rivardreport: U.S. has the resources but not the politics to be leader in sustainability #Solarphobia the fear of free electricity
RT @JulianCastro: Donald's insults, a high profile Lib. ticket, TX GOP rife w/ scandal & Hillary's strong track record in state--TX will be in play in Nov.
Great evening with the @SAchamber at @PortSanAntonio talking about my work for San Antonio in Congress.
RT @LoudMouthCitizn: Thank you for your words on immigration and the republican front-runner in the House today, @JoaquinCastrotx
Julián Castro on the Artists He Admires and Why Donald Trump Is Not 'Going to Get Elected' via @billboard
RT @texasdemocrats: Looking for a job w/ @KenPaxtonTX's office that pay's big $$ -- even after you leave? We've got you covered: #txlege
RT @LatPoliticalAve: @JoaquinCastrotx @RNorredor @BernieSanders here it is Bernie Sanders Voted to Protect Racist Vigilante Border Thugs
A4 By adding internships and other training programs, the tech industry can create a pipeline for Latinas to join the field. #TECHNOLOchat
Glad the @BGCA_Clubs stopped by my office today to talk about their new program supporting military families.
RT @SAISD: What a great experience for students in the Tafolla MS Multilingual Magnet! Thanks @JoaquinCastrotx @JapanEmbDC
RT @ProgressTX: .@DanPatrick calls TX women & families who fought 4 right to access safe & legal abortion "anarchists"#LtGovDebate
Getting ready w/ TX delegation to watch the Senate confirm my brother @JulianCastro as HUD Sec. Watch live...
Getting ready to go on #ABCThisWeek early this morning
RT @ambearinas: Yesterday @JoaquinCastrotx called my stepdad to let us know what he is doing about the shutdown. How awesome is he?