Deleted Tweets From Joe Kelley, R-Md.
Joe Kelley's accounts: JoeKelleyHoR22
Tracked Between: March 13, 2021-April 26, 2021
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
RT @RepMontague: Start a business: $999 - too much Buy a new iPhone: $999 - no problem Healthy groceries: $100 - too much Dinner & drinks: $100 - no problem Watch Netflix: 2 hrs - 1 more episode Learn a new skill: 2 hrs - no time Life is about choices, stop blami
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
@alucard1116 @RealCandaceO @AOC Not real and a troll? How polite of you. I simply pointed out a statement that is polarizing. Nothing more nothing less.
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
@monicavenzke @robwag513 @kimKBaltimore Ive seen the city continue to suffer my entire life. Baltimore schools get 275 million a year in funding yet, we have some the most atrocious attrition amd failure rates in the country. I can go on. My point is the tried and true leadership has failed. We need aomething new.
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
@Steve_Hunter01 @17thCard @BernieSanders Ok Steve.
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
@cliftonaduncan @NicoleArbour It's clearly racist, because white blood cells. Duh. ⚡
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
@alucard1116 @RealCandaceO @AOC Political matters in depth
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
@sassyausgirl @RealCandaceO @iamcardib Extrapolating my statement about a specific incident onto an overarching theme of someones past is disingenuous and not accurate.
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
RT @kimKBaltimore: This is just a reminder that many @Wikipedia pages have fake news. My page states I attended a Trump rally in DC. I’ve only attended 2 Trump rallies. Both in the state of Georgia & neither were after the election. The person making updates to my pag
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
RT @Shaughn_A2: #CNNExposed to be the propaganda outlet they are.
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
@Steve_Hunter01 @17thCard @BernieSanders In 2019. 617 billion for standard operations and 69 billion for the war. Not a fan of this either. Your point?
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
@17thCard @BernieSanders Thats your reply😆. Do you not see the problem here? Around 72% of taxes collected are retained after refunds are issued to individuals. How and why do we keep thinking that a government that collects more taxes than needed each year and stays in debt should be funded further?
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
@alucard1116 @RealCandaceO @AOC Again why do you feel the need to control my speech? What sick satisfaction does it give you to make me repeat what you want to hear? Im not obsessed with one person im concerned about us all. Im sure he did lie at different times. Everyone lies unfortunately, especially in polit
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
@DIKAOLIVER @RealCandaceO @iamcardib Yes, hopefully this is a teaching moment for those that are watching and participating.
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
@DynoDarling Damn, so sorry to hear this Dyno. Hope you have a great day and ill see ya on VALORANT when you get back since you're definitely ⬇️ loading it and playing it. Being that its much better than apex fails. 😁😁😁🤣🤣😎
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
RT @kimKBaltimore: There are two types of people in this world... one works hard, one watches others work hard. You have to decide which one you want to be. Success has nothing to do with your race, it’s all about how bad you want it. #TuesdayFeeling
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
@POTUS Through slave labor done mostly by the chinese.
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
@kimKBaltimore Sounds a bit Ra.. nevermind. That word lost its meaning years ago. Also thanks to woke leftists
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
@Steve_Hunter01 @kimKBaltimore Because it must be one or the other. Ok Steve
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
@alucard1116 @RealCandaceO @AOC You are unreachable and everything you talk about is not up for debate in your mind again thank you for your time have a great day and life.
JoeKelleyHoR22 (R-Md.)
@alucard1116 @RealCandaceO @AOC Why so you can take some false high ground based on your opinion. Sure ill play ball. 2016: nobody. 2020 Tulsi Gabbard. Registered Independent my whole life