Deleted Tweets From John Cornyn, R-Texas
John Cornyn's accounts: JohnCornyn, TeamCornyn
Tracking Since: February 07, 2008
RT @ChuckLane1: More "Medical" pot hype debunked---> Marijuana extract for children with epilepsy is questioned via @WSJ
RT @1776Legal: @JohnCornyn He also used US Foreign policy to help him in an election
RT @joshuarojastx: Hidalgo County GOP Super Saturday Block Walk @GregAbbott_TX @JohnCornyn @ElijahCasas1 @AronP3 @georgepbush #liberty
RT @AllisonFox4News: Just spoke with DFW Hospital Council CEO Steve Love. He says, DFW wide, hospital beds are at about 69% occupancy. C…
RT @wboyd5: Bret Baier calls Israel-UAE peace deal a 'tectonic shift' in how 'the Middle East operates'
RT @ChiefHadley: @JohnCornyn Remember the speech he gave about not requiring photo ID to vote, but you needed photo ID to get in and hear his speech...Truth
RT @MikeMuckleroy: @JohnCornyn I did receive a rebate of $121 but my premiums have increased to $341/month from $226= 50.8% increase or $115 more per month
RT @JohnCornyn: @RepDanCrenshaw podcast is excellent start to getting to the bottom of: What Happened in Texas | Alex Epstein and R…
@RepDanCrenshaw podcast is excellent start to getting to the bottom of: What Happened in Texas | Alex Epstein and Robert Bryce via @YouTube
RT @poketpair: @JohnCornyn - do you want to find out what the fed is really doing with our money? Do u support S. 202 @SenRandPaul 's #AuditTheFed bill?
RT @mccarrennews: I know power is out in Houston. Power is on @PressClubDC and we are keeping the Freedom Clock running for Houston’s…
RT @LongDefense: Bolton in 2018 merged the Directorate for Global Health Security & Biodefense w/ 2 other (overlapping) functions into a ne… QT @natsecaction: "President Trump says 'nobody could have predicted' a pandemic of this proportion. That's just a lie." As National…
RT @Bandoheme: @JohnCornyn Stand firm! No more BHO apptments to SCOTUS. Obama has done enough damage! #nohearingnovotes
RT @SenateCloakroom: Passed by unanimous consent: S.35, a bill to award a Congressional Gold Medal to Officer Eugene Goodman.
RT @amginatta: Good to hear @JohnCornyn talk about rehabilitation as one of the goals in our criminal justice system.
Dreamers have a place in this country as citizens. The Texas Opportunity Coalition will pave the way for Texans who arrived as children to have an easier path to citizenship.
RT @sro68: @JohnCornyn @revolutionaryma @TeamCornyn AGREED! They deserve Purple Hearts.
RT @Tate_Jo: #Obama tax proposal; tax the "rich" Who does he think he's fooling? @pegalios #tcot #SOTU @PeteSessions @JohnCornyn
RT @IMAZionist: Congress rejects Obama veto of 9/11 bill it's" about respecting voices&rights of American victims" Sen @JohnCornyn |
RT @ManuelPadillaJr: In our thoughts and in peace heroes. QT @TexasGameWarden: We are devastated to report that 3 of our wildlife colleagues died in a helicopter crash yesterday while conducting…