Deleted Tweets From John Cornyn, R-Texas
John Cornyn's accounts: JohnCornyn, TeamCornyn
Tracking Since: February 07, 2008
RT @brianjameswalsh: Meanwhile in Texas Senate, a key group of Rio Grande Valley Democrats endorsed @JohnCornyn for re-election.
RT @brianjameswalsh: @JohnCornyn released a statement moments ago calling on @WendyDavisTexas to pull-down her attack ad on Abbott's accident and apologize.
RT @brianjameswalsh: And here's a new TV ad from @JohnCornyn & narrated by his daughter Haley reaching out to Hispanic voters in Texas.
RT @brianjameswalsh: Statement from @JohnCornyn - "put an end to the gridlock that has plagued Washington"
RT @brianjameswalsh: "McConnell vowed to change the way the Senate conducts its business... He's followed through with his word."\
RT @abc13houston: Laura has rapidly intensified by 55 mph in the past 24 hours (from 55 mph max winds to 110 mph max winds). This is…
Senator Cornyn visited the Rio Grande Valley last week to meet with local leaders and health official to discuss COVID-19 relief efforts and how we put Texans first in every step we take.
RT @Chief_Manley: Please join me in recognizing the @Austin_Police Mounted Patrol Unit as our Employees of the Week!
RT @JudgeClayJ: Promising then potentially not delivering half of what Texans deserve while diverting the rest of their money is no…
RT @CraigCaplan: Moderate Democrats' Blue Dog Coalition letter House and Senate bipartisan leaders: "We urge you to restart bipartis…
RT @sbmcconnell: In Congress today, @SenTedCruz introduced legislation to impose sanctions on drug cartels through a process similar…
RT @JakeWhitten2: Seeing a lot of support for @JohnCornyn and @AngieChenButton out in Rowlett today! #KeepTexasRed #LeadRight
RT @AndrewCQuinn: "I think it sometimes it discourages work... I would put off this extra $600" — Gov. Lamont (D-CT) "It's not $600 or bus… QT @seungminkim: Meadows said Pelosi and Schumer had two big demands in their meeting today — keeping the expanded unemployment bene…
RT @AndrewCQuinn: .@SenateMajLdr on the floor discussing @BariWeiss's experience and the climate of our national discourse: "You see,…
ICYMI - Sen. @JohnCornyn travelled to the Rio Grande Valley this week and delivered a message of solidarity. He's already delivered $530M in #COVIDRelief, and is working hard to bring home more support for TX biz, schools, hospitals and families. #txsen
ICYMI - Sen. @JohnCornyn travelled to the Rio Grande Valley this week and delivered a message of solidarity. He's already delivered $530M in #COVIDRelief, and is working hard to bring home more support for TX biz, schools, hospitals and families. #txsen
A great way for Texans to hear directly from Sen. @JohnCornyn on how he’s fighting for us in DC and delivering relief to our hometowns. Need accessing federal programs? Contact his offices throughout the state. #TXSEN QT @DBrandewie: On this week's COVID teletown hall, @JohnCornyn talked with Texans in the Tyler and Corpus areas. Questions covered…
Texas' Rio Grande Valley knows they can #CountOnCornyn for: Common-sense border security International trade Combatting human trafficking School choice DACA Smithsonian National American Latino Museum Disaster relief #TXSEN
$1.5 trillion of earlier relief still hasn't been spent. Here's what's left - CNNPolitics