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Deleted Tweets From John Cornyn, R-Texas

Deleted Tweets From John Cornyn, R-Texas

John Cornyn's accounts: JohnCornyn, TeamCornyn

Tracking Since: February 07, 2008

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1) I respect for men and women of the FBI and DOJ; 2) I also respect for both former FBI Director Mueller and current Director Wray; and 3) I believe an thorough, impartial ethics investigation of the former DOJ and FBI leadership is necessary to restore

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RT @S3Cproject: Thank you @JohnCornyn for helping raise awareness about our new initiative! #CJReform https://t.co/8pkDz9S0MB QT @JohnCornyn: Koch brothers to launch pilot project to tackle prisoner reentry https://t.co/9G80M2CrvO via @usatoday)

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RT @Trade4America: Texas proves "trade deals can help everyone from manufacturers to farmers to small businesses" - Sen. @JohnCornyn https://t.co/zQFjWjtddu

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Gives you an idea of the challenge of frying spinach for one of my favorite Indian dishes looks like. Messy but delicious. https://t.co/tCACPciDfc

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RT @StevenTDennis: I don't think this is the correct reading of @JohnCornyn tweet. His beef is with Holder, not Mueller. https://t.co/BTuxh… QT @kylegriffin1: John Cornyn, the number 2 in the Senate, disagrees that the majority of Americans would be upset if Mueller was fir… https://t.co/C2lAWzDmBp)

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Gun background checks need strengthening

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RT @EdWhelanEPPC: If your claim is that President Trump can't appoint someone to fill Director vacancy, that's absurd. https://t.co/HkMll6B… QT @SenWarren: The Dodd-Frank Act is clear: if there is a @CFPB Director vacancy, the Deputy Director becomes Acting Director.… https://t.co/IkU5qzpiNV)

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Top U.S. Spymaster Warns American Firms About Deals With China - Bloomberg https://t.co/Cvt53WEmdD

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RT @Alyssafarah: blocked by Senate Democrats https://t.co/mf0SPPcFK4 QT @toddzwillich: Here's your periodic reminder that Congress left for summer recess with no Zika prevention funding bill. https://t.co/M4DcEhsHtQ)

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RT @MemesMarco: Spotted Senator @BenSasse on the Jersey Turnpike on the way to the Gorsuch vote. The guy thinks he is in Nebraska. https://t.co/D45XyudG0g

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RT @houstonpolice: Please use 911 for life-threatening emergencies, and 311 or the HPD non-emergency number 713-884-3131 as appropriat… https://t.co/PwLGIPN7AZ

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RT @RandyEBarnett: HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY: My explanation of What the Declaration of Independence Said and Meant https://t.co/FOm0qiEa0b

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RT @CahnEmily: So health care vote isn't happening next week, as @JohnCornyn said. https://t.co/P9d5A9gNdw QT @jeffzeleny: Wow! McConnell says he will delay August recess, saying the Senate will work on health care and defense bill for first two weeks of August.)

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RT @SupportLegalAid: Kudos to Sens Sullivan Murkowski Capito Cornyn Daines Heitkamp & Shaheen for POWER Act to boost legal services for… https://t.co/yPT2QV15Aa

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RT @Koch_Industries: .@JohnCornyn congrats on your bipartisan efforts to ease state occupational licensing req; rigged system needs fix https://t.co/6Sc0CyFYvZ

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New Bill Looks to Help Military Members Trying to Obtain https://t.co/iYWFsYwd9s

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