Deleted Tweets From John Cornyn, R-Texas
John Cornyn's accounts: JohnCornyn, TeamCornyn
Tracking Since: February 07, 2008
Because everyone knows he is “delivering” anything except inflation QT @thehill: "Biden is delivering the fastest economic recovery in history. Why hasn't anyone noticed?" (@TheHillOpinion)…
RT @KevinRobertsTX: Thank you! So glad to be here. QT @parkersheppard: Welcome @KevinRobertsTX to @Heritage! I'm really excited about the work this place is going to put out in the next…
RT @RUtsey: Durbin: "Show me that you can pass an important bill subject to the filibuster." Um, just last year (during a pand…
EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Sen. John Cornyn meets with local leaders & border patrol in Del Rio to discuss migrant crisis
White House calls for investigation into missing Chinese tennis star's sexual assault claims
RT @walterolson: This is big: D.C. Circuit just unanimously reinstated equitable claims v. IRS by conservative groups it targeted /1
RT @walterolson: Court: IRS "has, obviously, taken no action to disavow or discredit" the damning Inspector General report from its own parent department /7
RT @walterolson: Court: IG report "replete with details of discriminatory processing and delay" not briefly but over multiple years and election cycles. /8
Cornyn, Cuellar Bill to Safeguard U.S. Law Enforcement & Federal Employees Abroad Now Law
RT @FreedomPartners: Only 62.7% of Americans are working/looking for work. Nearly 40% have dropped out #GOPDebate
RT @nickottensman: Looking forward to hosting U.S. Senator @JohnCornyn at Chase Field in #Beeville next month!
RT @NathanBrandWA: Sen. @SteveDaines is absolutely right--> "The last line of defense to protect the majority in the U.S. Senate...…
RT @NathanBrandWA: Pelosi on April 14: “I congratulate the Senate Democrats” for blocking $250 billion in small business relief * 8 d…
Tomorrow is @DEAHQ Prescription Drug Take Back Day, an opportunity for all Texans to safely dispose of unused and expired Rx drugs so they don't fall into the wrong hands. Find your local collection site at:
Soros drops $1 million on anti-police effort in austin
RT @mkelly007: Noteworthy: On 10/12/2021 The Soros funded Open Society Policy Center donated an additional $500,000 to the Anti Pr…
RT @burgessev: Oh man, Tim Scott brought in $8.3 million, reports @politicoalex
RT @rachelbovard: "Siding with conservative groups." The ACLU, the NAACP, Human Rights Fund, PETA, and the Southern Poverty Law Center al… QT @nytimes: Breaking News: The Supreme Court rejected California’s requirement that charities report the identities of major do…