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Deleted Tweets From Jonathan Herzog, D-N.Y.

Deleted Tweets From Jonathan Herzog, D-N.Y.

Jonathan Herzog's accounts: JonathanHerzog5

Tracked Between: August 13, 2019-July 21, 2020

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JonathanHerzog5 (D-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

Breaking news: we won the debate! Tune in tonight 7 pm ET on https://t.co/W0I8ppEkzF to watch it all. @RepJerryNadler @JerryNadler @NY1 @andrewyang @Dr_JLJohnson @Andy #HerzogSchoolsNadler

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JonathanHerzog5 (D-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @ZachandMattShow: TONIGHT: The first ever televised debate in NY-10 history as @JonathanHerzog5 takes on @RepJerryNadler! You can wat… https://t.co/BY6YlRf7jB

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JonathanHerzog5 (D-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @MyLifeIsMunitz: Livestream w/ @JonathanHerzog5, a congressional candidate in NY-10, this Friday 4/24 at 6:30 PM EST. 20 minutes to… https://t.co/iN81g5HuR3

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JonathanHerzog5 (D-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @MyLifeIsMunitz: For those that missed the stream with @JonathanHerzog, come watch our recording now where we discuss his inspiratio… https://t.co/wyHMaI8FMH

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JonathanHerzog5 (D-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @YangVets: #YangGang you don't want to miss this debate and hashtag trend tomorrow! �� https://t.co/dQLhYKv3MX

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JonathanHerzog5 (D-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @HumanityForYang: �TREND ALERT�Tomorrow (6/17) we‘re TRENDING #HerzogSchoolsNadler at 12PM PT / 3PM ET to support @JonathanHerzog5 on… https://t.co/4xxmVJvX8F

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JonathanHerzog5 (D-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

West Side Rag » Election 2020: Jonathan Herzog Wants to Bring Universal Basic Income and Quadratic Funding to Congress https://t.co/IgGSuN8Iwu

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JonathanHerzog5 (D-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

On this downloadable Digital Dialectic, the founder of Ethereum, @VitalikButerin, the Radical Exchange Foundation creator, @glenweyl, & I have an in depth discussion on how blockchain can make our society more open and democratic. #Crypto #podcast https://t.co/qJCwjasnCS QT @VitalikButerin: Jonathan Herzog, E. Glen Weyl, & Vitalik Buterin https://t.co/lIukleSFXg)

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JonathanHerzog5 (D-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

On this episode of Digital Dialectics I interview the founder of Ethereum, @VitalikButerin and the Radical Exchange Foundation creator, @glenweyl. Listen now to learn how blockchain can make our society more open and democratic. #Crypto #podcast https://t.co/qJCwjasnCS https://t.co/7GVngiV4lL

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JonathanHerzog5 (D-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @NelNieves: NY-10 Congressional candidate @JonathanHerzog5 will be on WBAI's Max & Murphy Show Wed 06/04 at 5:30PM ET Listen LI… https://t.co/4Ceko8j3Bb

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JonathanHerzog5 (D-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @surajpatelnyc: Stop everything you're doing and listen to Desiree Barnes. QT @nowthisnews: ‘You wanna f*cking do something? Make sure you’re registered to vote. Don’t start another goddamn fire,’ — This Bla… https://t.co/ac1ec8mPTo)

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JonathanHerzog5 (D-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @surajpatelnyc: Stop everything you're doing and listen to Desiree Barnes. QT @nowthisnews: ‘You wanna f*cking do something? Make sure you’re registered to vote. Don’t start another goddamn fire,’ — This Bla… https://t.co/ac1ec8mPTo)

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JonathanHerzog5 (D-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @nytimes: A U.S. Army Blackhawk helicopter used a "show of force" maneuver on protesters in Washington, D.C. on Monday night. It's a tac… QT @KannoYoungs: —-> https://t.co/lseMGUYzux)

1224599101007966208 9n1 38nl bigger

JonathanHerzog5 (D-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @IsaacDovere: Political journalism could save a lot of time & energy by focusing on what is happening instead of guessing what wi… https://t.co/K3CCXF8vwb

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JonathanHerzog5 (D-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @JeffKurzon: Debates delayed are debates denied #DebateHerzogNow https://t.co/791uafFipv QT @PBuffered: Thanks Jeff, this info could not be more important. And while you're waiting for your ballot to arrive you can tune… https://t.co/xm5hHcINnZ)

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