Deleted Tweets From Mark Judson, D-N.C.
Mark Judson's accounts: Judson4Congress
Tracked Between: September 28, 2019-March 10, 2020
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
Gentle Reminder - You can't spell Propaganda without "GOP". Mark Judson For Congress
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
RT @blakesmustache: The Fascist Party wants us to believe the right way to decide whether Trump should be allowed to rig the 2020 elect…
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
Is it just me (and these guy) who think Trump is the most 2 faced guy since Janus? Question: Life expectancy of a relationship with Trump, from the 1st time he ogles your 12 Y/O daughter, to the time you're indicted and he claims he barely knows you?
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
@sean_spicier I keep googling Sean Spicer combat deployment and nothing comes back? How dare you question the valor of a fellow service member when you weren’t present for the action. His commander and the rest of his chain of command felt he deserved his awards – what kind of POS are you?
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
@jwm1522 @sean_spicier I hate it when that happens :-) thank you for the heads up :-)
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
@sean_spicier John Kerry earned three purple hearts, a bronze star and a silver star in eight months in Vietnam. What did you do in combat you coward?
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
RT @Roxanne59632009: He’s destroyed the FBI He’s destroyed the DOJ He’s destroyed the EPA He’s destroyed the State Dept He’s destroyed t…
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
@GrassrootsSpeak @cydelarge Yes. Period. Without fail. 21 Year Retired Army Officer / NCO here....
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
@LibCape @WomanResistorNC @NC_Progressives @GrootResists @AFlynn4Congress @ChristyClarkNC Opportunism? When I see an unchallenged Republican running in North Carolina- I WILL oppose him. It’s my patriotic duty. Sorry if that ruffles your feathers…
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
@LibCape I have Residences in Goldsboro, Garner, and Cary. I also have both friends and clients as well in district 7. I’m sure you are aware that NC law requires only that I live in the state? You DO believe in complying with NC State law, yes?
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
@LibCape No, apparently YOU failed to look at the FEC website in sufficient detail. It’s an automated filing system, so if the information is it out there and not correct, please contact the office in Washington DC. We are in a fight for our nation, you should decide Where you stand.
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
@MysterySolvent Eric…
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
RT @Tracy9672: ���ATTENTION RESISTERS ��� PLEASE FOLLOW AND RETWEET @therrien_lydia Thank you! #StrongerTogether #VoteBlueNoMatterWho2020
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
RT @AFlynn4Congress: THIS is what a bipartisan approach to crisis resolution looks like! We need to get back to this sort of cooperation! W… QT @thehill: The coalition will include former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, former governors Arnold Schwarzenegger…
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
RT @LisaRacer2: Hey guys, @janefourmillion is close to 10k. Jane's always been very supportive of me and all Resisters and she's a…
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
Michelle: Helping hand with money and jobs for people Melania: Helping people with hand jobs for Money QT @QuancyClayborne: Anyone care to compare Michelle Obama to Melanie Trump?)
Judson4Congress (D-N.C.)
Awesome!! A FULLY REPUBLICAN educational experience from a College that is too ignorant to understand the definition of the word "Socialism", and too lazy to crack a book to look it up, so they simply plagiarized a lie from the FOX Propaganda Network.