Deleted Tweets From Kim Mangone, D-Calif.
Kim Mangone's accounts: KimMangone
Tracked Between: December 17, 2019-November 07, 2020
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @joncoopertweets: Folks, @KimMangone can win this race in #CA23. Please donate now so Kim can defeat Trump toady Kevin McCarthy. #RedToB… QT @KimMangone: This is important. We have a real shot at beating Kevin McCarthy. I am the Dem & US Veteran running against him. To…
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @vincentdonofrio: This, this right here. QT @KimMangone: @vincentdonofrio We have a real shot at beating Kevin McCarthy. If everyone who saw this chipped in just $20.20, we…
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @BethGrantActor: If @vincentdonofrio says so, good enough for me! I want to see @KimMangone defeat Kevin McCarthy!
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @sarahcpr: Everyone go donate to Kevin McCarthy’s challenger @KimMangone right now before it’s too late. Let’s make sure she wins QT @KimMangone: This is important. We have a real shot at beating Kevin McCarthy. I am the Dem & US Veteran running against him. In…
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
Just a reminder! Its time for #CA23 to get that man gone!!! #mangoneforcongress QT @KimMangone: Remember the difference is clear!! McCarthy doesn't care about #CA23. Its time to get that man gone!…
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @KimMangone: This is important. I am the Dem & US Veteran running against GOP ldr Kevin McCarthy. In just 10 days the race btwn…
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @DevinCow: Everyone go donate to Kevin McCarthy’s challenger @KimMangone right now before it’s too late. Let’s make sure she wins. QT @KimMangone: This is important. I am the Dem & US Veteran running against GOP ldr Kevin McCarthy. In just 10 days the race btwn…
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @KimMangone: This is important. We have a real shot at beating Kevin McCarthy. I am the Dem & US Veteran running against him. In…
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @sarahcpr: Everyone go donate to Kevin McCarthy’s challenger @KimMangone right now before it’s too late. Let’s make sure she wins QT @KimMangone: This is important. We have a real shot at beating Kevin McCarthy. I am the Dem & US Veteran running against him. In…
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @MarkRuffalo: You guys Kim can SMASH, Trumpford Wife Kevin McCarthy. Let’s all chip in. QT @KimMangone: We have a real shot at beating Kevin McCarthy. If everyone who saw this chipped in just $15, we would blow our fund…
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @kurteichenwald: I've given repeatedly to @KimMangone because she is fighting a hell of a fight and can bring change to Congress. Jo…
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @KimMangone: We have a real shot at beating Kevin McCarthy. If everyone who saw this chipped in just $15, we would blow our fund…
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @MarkRuffalo: You guys Kim can SMASH, Trumpford Wife Kevin McCarthy. Let’s all chip in. QT @KimMangone: We have a real shot at beating Kevin McCarthy. If everyone who saw this chipped in just $15, we would blow our fund…
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @WalshFreedom: I am not a Democrat, but I served in Congress with Kevin McCarthy. He always puts Trump 1st. Not America. I support McCar… QT @sarahcpr: Everyone go donate to Kevin McCarthy’s challenger @KimMangone right now before it’s too late. Let’s make sure she w…
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @KimMangone: We have 4 days to go before the election against Republican Kevin McCarthy. We have a real shot at winning. But we…
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @DevinCow: Ok everyone! We need to help @KimMangone defeat Republican Kevin McCarthy! Go donate to her right now to get her over the fin… QT @KimMangone: We have 4 days to go before the election against Republican Kevin McCarthy. We have a real shot at winning. But we…
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @RexChapman: Kevin McCarthy is the second worst ever (Mitch McConnell is the worst fwiw). Let’s help Kim beat Kevin McCarthy, y’all... QT @KimMangone: @RexChapman We have a real shot at beating Kevin McCarthy. If everyone who saw this chipped in just $25, we would b…
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @RexChapman: Hey y’all... @KimMangone is the Democrat running against super trumper Kevin McCarthy. She’s a United States Vete…
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @RexChapman: @KimMangone Go get em!!
KimMangone (D-Calif.)
RT @KimMangone: @sarahcpr Thank you Sarah. We have a real shot at beating Kevin McCarthy. If everyone who saw this chipped in just…