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Deleted Tweets From Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn.

Deleted Tweets From Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn.

Lamar Alexander's accounts: LamarAlexander, SenAlexander

Tracked Between: April 29, 2014-July 24, 2019

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RT @RepChuck: .@SenAlexander is one of the best public servants to have ever graced the state of Tennessee. Lamar, you are a gentleman,… QT @SenAlexander: This has been a tough year. But, we’ve had tough years before, and we’ve always celebrated Christmas. I hope you a… https://t.co/i4XnUePglN)

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RT @SenatorCollins: Bravo @SenAlexander on a world-class piano recital of Christmas carols! Thank you for sharing your musical gift to… https://t.co/V1hclLG4zS

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RT @MeetThePress: THIS SUNDAY: The nation looks ahead to the first round of vaccinations as Covid hospitalizations and deaths hit an… https://t.co/vF0R1HfzoR

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I’ve enjoyed serving beside you all these years, @SenPatRoberts, on issues important to Tennesseans, Kansans and all Americans. I’ll play the piano, if you sing. QT @SenPatRoberts: Thank you @SenAlexander for your service to your home state of Tennessee. It has been a pleasure serving with you o… https://t.co/Q5U6IE4GSZ)

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The Great American Outdoors Act is the biggest boost to our national parks in 50 years. Over the next five years, this law will help to fix roads, campsites and hiking trails so Americans can enjoy them for generations to come. https://t.co/uZo6wpEDpW QT @SenAlexander: This week President @realDonaldTrump signed into law the Great American @OutdoorsAct. Teddy Roosevelt used to say,… https://t.co/e7puYsxfN0)

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That’s why I am glad Congress passed the President @realDonaldTrump signed into law the Great American @OutdoorsAct, which will #RestoreOurParks by cutting in half our parks’ $12 billion deferred maintenance backlog, including in the @GreatSmokyNPS, and fully funds the #LWCF.

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RT @GOPHELP: TUNE IN @10:00AM ET for the Senate HELP hearing to discuss how Congress can simplify the FAFSA this year—to no more… https://t.co/nGYjmCV4rK

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Marching along with the parade were Sen. @MarkWarner, @SenAngusKing and @senrobportman, who worked with @NPCA, @nature_org, @NWF, @HunterandAngler, @GoParks and others to introduce the #RestoreOurParks Act to reduce the maintenance backlog in our parks.

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The grand finale of this parade was the support of President @realDonaldTrump. There were many important marchers in this parade, but this historic conservation legislation would not have happened if it were not for the leadership of President Trump.

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Senators @SenBurr, @SenatorCantwell and @Sen_JoeManchin led the way on the Land and Water Conservation Fund. #LWCF And, @SenatorCollins and Sen. @MartinHeinrich support made this a wholly bipartisan bill.

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I voted to begin debate on @SenatorTimScott’s JUSTICE Act because it will make police officers more accountable, encourage departments to ban chokeholds and adopt best practices, provide better training to police officers, and make lynching a federal crime.

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To submit recommendations in response to my White Paper: “Preparing For the Next Pandemic,” please email PandemicPreparedness@help.senate.gov by 5PM ET on June 26. You can read the report and foreword by @bfrist here: https://t.co/Hdejl3m7ox ( https://t.co/G0B6yUm4qO

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RT @GovBillLee: While the last 12 weeks have created unprecedented challenges for our state, early preparations and the committed e… https://t.co/hQwm3JbVvj

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.@HHS announced that Tennessee hospitals and clinics will receive an additional $179 million in funding made available through the CARES Act. QT @SenAlexander: Today, the @HHSGov is sending $739 million to more than 5,800 hospitals and clinics in Tennessee to help address th… https://t.co/phQ5Av6yh8)

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Everyone I know wants this to happen as quickly as we responsibly can, and I welcome the opportunity to help in this way.

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I was glad to be appointed to President @realDonalTrump’s Economic Recovery Initiative. The way to contain this disease and get back to work and back to school is to put politics aside and work together as fast as we can on new tests, new treatments, and new vaccines.

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My thoughts are with all of those in the Chattanooga-area who have been impacted by last night’s severe storms. These are challenging times, but Tennesseans are resilient, and I know the ‘Volunteer spirit’ will be of full display as we all help this community rebuild and recover.

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RT @TNMilitaryDept: "The community has pulled together in collecting supplies," said Tripp Voss, TEMA regional manager. "And all of the… https://t.co/iYg4cXwoFu

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RT @GovBillLee: Tennessee's educators are bringing the classroom to our students during temporary school closures. Teaching Tenne… https://t.co/sXZwlVcEqf

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Tennessee manufactures looking to help provide much needed medical equipment and #PPE gear should visit the @TNChamber’s new #TNCreatorsRespond web page to find out how to Volunteer their skills. https://t.co/Hwj9K3zZpO

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He was a delightful friend, and I have missed him ever since he left the Senate. Honey and I send our respect for Tom‘s life to Carolyn and their family.

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TUNE IN at 2:30 PM ET – I’ll be chairing the Senate Energy & Water Development Appropriations Subcommittee hearing to review the Fiscal Year 2021 funding requests for @ENERGY. Watch here: https://t.co/yRX0StqBvI

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The Older Americans Act provides grants to states so they can help seniors live more comfortably at home or ensure high-quality care at a nursing home. The bipartisan bill was first approved by the HELP Committee I chair, and today the U.S. Senate passed @SenatorCollins’ bill. QT @SenatorCollins: For more than 50 years, the Older Americans Act has enriched seniors’ lives & improved their health. As the Chairma… https://t.co/BTCogtMtvD)

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This bipartisan legislation will ensure that over 130,000 Tennesseans continue to have access to programs like @_MealsOnWheels or programs that provide rides to their doctors’ appointments or the grocery store.

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Today, the Senate HELP and Foreign Relations Committees held an all-senator briefing with top administration health officials regarding the novel coronavirus outbreak that was first detected in Wuhan, China. https://t.co/FD2QR4d76n https://t.co/bgVOhZpXr3

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RT @RepLukeMesser: 250 students, parents, teachers, lawmakers will rally tmrw to promote opportunities for ALL students. #SchoolChoicehttps://t.co/ntnCSUyF4z

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.@DrPhilRoe has been a champion for veterans, for students and for common sense in government. His background as a practicing physician has been crucial to our work to lower health care costs. I value his friendship and will miss his leadership in the Congress.

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Sen @PattyMurray and I are working with our colleagues in the U.S. House to quickly pass this bill so you can sign it into law before Christmas.

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Thank you, @realDonaldTrump, for your support of the #FUTUREAct that includes our amendment to permanently fund #HBCUs and simply the #FAFSA. This wouldn’t have been possible without @BetsyDeVosED’s work with @PattyMurray, @SenatorTimScott, @SenDougJones and others in the Senate. QT @realDonaldTrump: GREAT WORK yesterday by the Senate to support our Historically Black Colleges and Universities! Thank you… https://t.co/POEw7Jwe0h)

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Thank you, @IvankaTrump, for your strong support! It’s hard to think of a piece of legislation that would have more of a lasting impact on minority students and their families than this bill. #FUTUREAct QT @IvankaTrump: Let’s put an end to any debate on our responsibility to strengthen @HBCUToday + Minority Servicing Institutions – a… https://t.co/FlYJ1jnByc)

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That’s why the U.S. Senate should take up and pass the funding bill providing the fifth year of record funding for @ENERGY's 17 national laboratories, including @ORNL, which was approved unanimously in the Senate Appropriations Committee.

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This advanced research isn't possible without federal funding for @ENERGY's 17 national labs.

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Congrats to @ORNL researchers for winning five @RandDMagazine 100 Awards this year—bringing the lab’s total to 221, more than any other company, university or research organization since the award was created!

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More happy news from #TeamAlexander—Tyler, who works in the Senate health committee I chair, proposed to his girlfriend, Mellissa, over the weekend. Tyler graduated from @UTKnoxville. Congratulations to you both! https://t.co/fwM69O10bZ

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HAPPENING NOW QT @SenAlexander: I’m headed to the U.S. Senate floor to introduce the #FAFSA Simplification Act alongside @SenDougJones. Our biparti… https://t.co/9fz8TVuve7)

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In @JCPress: Sen. Alexander optimistic about bipartisan efforts to lower drug costs #LowerHealthCareCosts https://t.co/kKOt74zNZJ

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The partnership between the University of Maine and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a model for how science and technology can help Americans prosper in the new economy.

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Using Maine forest products for 3-D printing is a great way to create new jobs in Maine and a good reminder that national laboratories are our secret weapons in helping the United States stay competitive in the rapidly changing world economy.

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I joined @SenatorCollins and @SenAngusKing today to announce a partnership between @ORNL and @UMaine to bring down the cost of using forest products for 3D printing. https://t.co/B4bD3pSFLq https://t.co/Ftl5t3kq84

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I'm glad Bill Barr was confirmed to serve as U.S. attorney general. He is widely respected, has shown great intelligence and integrity and has shown he understands that the job of the attorney general is to be the attorney for the US, not just for the president https://t.co/sWhk2DxJv1

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LamarAlexander (R-Tenn.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

I’ve thought for a while that the TVA region could be a national leader in manufacturing electric cars. QT @TimesFreePress: BREAKING: Volkswagen plans to invest $800 million more into it's Chattanooga plant to make electric vehicles and hi… https://t.co/7hH0LFXuiG)

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Resolving the partial government shutdown by going real big on immigration could be @POTUS’s Nixon-to-China, Reagan-to-the-Berlin-Wall moment in history. Read my op-ed in the @washingtonpost: https://t.co/SsPJjNJCZI

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Resolving the partial government shutdown by going real big on immigration could be @POTUS’s Nixon-to-China, Reagan-to-the-Berlin-Wall moment in history. Read my op-ed in the @washingtonpost: https://t.co/LhK3LqetWL

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Resolving the partial government shutdown by going real big on immigration could be @POTUS’s Nixon-to-China, Reagan-to-the-Berlin-Wall moment in history. Read my op-ed in the @washinngtonpost: https://t.co/mvd0EwqpYQ

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OpioidCrisisResponse deals with the nation’s worst public health crisis by helping stop deadly fentanyl from coming from China to America by mail, finding a new non-addictive pain killer, preventing “doctor-shopping,” and providing more opportunities for treatment. https://t.co/cN9iFOmEAW

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LamarAlexander (R-Tenn.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

Congratulations to the new leaders of the TN State Senate — @ltgovmcnally, @senjohnson, @yagertweets, @briankelsey and @masseyforsenate.

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I’m headed to the Senate floor to talk about how China can become a global leader in helping stop the opioid crisis by stopping the flow of fentanyl from China into the U.S. Watch live here: (LINK) #OpioidCrisisResponse

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Kingsport is the first city in America to achieve two million miles of physical activity! @healthykpt took action and issued the challenge in part to address growing rates of obesity and diabetes. https://t.co/HuIzcUoALD

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TUNE IN about 3 p.m. ET: I’ll be speaking on the Senate floor with @senorrinhatch about the #MusicModernizationAct, which we expect to pass out of the House this week then will head to @POTUS’ desk for his signature. Watch online here: https://t.co/O47hndkj8L

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