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Deleted Tweets From Lisa Blunt Rochester, D-Del.

Deleted Tweets From Lisa Blunt Rochester, D-Del.

Lisa Blunt Rochester's accounts: LisaBRochester, RepLBR

Tracking Since: June 17, 2016

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RT @JohnCarneyDE: Free saliva-based testing is available throughout the state this week. This test is fast and easy, and helps us tra… https://t.co/U1c6wnt0Bd

1318934722756677634 ezrhweld bigger

@JoeBiden knows that every issue is a women's issue, but this plan makes it clear that he will do everything he can to give women equal standing. A Biden administration will work every day to make our country a more equitable and inclusive society. QT @JoeBiden: The hard truth is women — and particularly women of color — have never had a fair shot to get ahead in this country… https://t.co/Kky86h03rn)

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RT @Reuters: WARNING: CONTAINS PROFANITY Representative @AOC repeated an accusation that her Republican colleague Ted Yoho used… https://t.co/c3bvZaWjuI

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The demands from @rashadrobinson & @ColorOfChange to @Facebook are entirely reasonable and necessary. In fact, many are the same demands I have made to @Facebook https://t.co/ILuNPYfDCG QT @rashadrobinson: Met with Mark Zuckerberg and @Facebook leadership today. It was a disappointment. They have had our demands for yea… https://t.co/KBdu2MRk14)

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A little #TBT to presiding over the house for the passage of the #ERA. As we mark 56 years since the passage of #CivilRightsAct, let's recommit ourselves in the fight for justice and equality for all. https://t.co/NTLtZgwxTc

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@HouseDemocrats just voted to: ☑️ Lower prescription drug prices ☑️ Lower the cost of coverage ☑️ Expand coverage ☑️ Crackdown on junk insurance plans ☑️ Combat health inequities faced by communities of color https://t.co/WcWq98G0N3

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@Facebook has a responsibility to the country to get their act together and be part of the solution - not the problem. https://t.co/EjbuIZbmYH

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It's time to get comfortable being uncomfortable. https://t.co/I7JclM6eIl

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RT @RepLBR: Today’s a big day. The House is back in session to vote on the #HeroesAct - a bold and necessary step in our fight… https://t.co/75tV7VHkpi

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Please continue reporting scams in Delaware to Delaware’s Consumer Protection Unit by filing a consumer complaint form at https://t.co/kmJdEiwudb You can also report scams to the FTC at https://t.co/ARQFsEJwxv

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Addiction touches all parts of our society and so it will take all of us working together to tackle it. https://t.co/B0histfy50

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Thanks so much to my friend @RepAnthonyBrown for joining me in the First Stare and taking a tour of Dover Air Force Base. https://t.co/9ft1I3JIa8

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At every opportunity, this administration ignores science, the law, and basic protections for our health. #ProtectCleanWater

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As too many communities lack access to clean water, the Trump administration is pushing a #DirtyWaterRule that would slash protections for the drinking water of millions of people. https://t.co/pc1jRaQrC6

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Wishing a very Happy Birthday to my friend, colleague, and mentor, @SenatorCarper! https://t.co/ladRWCH0i1

1318934722756677634 ezrhweld bigger

TJ - keeping you and your entire family in my prayers. I know that #TeamBiden is in your corner and #TeamLBR and all of Delawawre will be right there with you as well. QT @TDucklo: Some upsetting news to share & explanation for why I’ve been MIA recently: after a bunch of tests, I’ve been diagno… https://t.co/uAPaAYMSm9)

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@EnergyCommerce is marking up H.R. 3 to lower the cost of prescription drugs - but we're doing so with heavy hearts at the passing of Rep. Elijah Cummings. Today, we rededicate our efforts in his memory. https://t.co/mInz2F8h5o

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Next Thursday, October 10th at 6 p.m., I'll be hosting my next Congressional Conversation in Georgetown, DE. These events are an opportunity for me to hear about the issues important to you. Register below ⬇️https://t.co/36gmz3lJZU

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