Deleted Tweets From Mark Warner, D-Va.
Mark Warner's accounts: MarkWarner, MarkWarnerVA
Tracking Since: January 11, 2009
RT @MarkWarner: A year into the pandemic, families across our nation are still in urgent need of relief — from unemployment benefit…
RT @MarkWarner: Born in Brooklyn, NY, Shirley Chisholm was the first Black woman in Congress (1968) and the first woman and Black A…
RT @MarkWarner: Saddened to hear of the passing of another civil rights giant, Vernon Jordan. From battling racial segregation to v…
RT @MarkWarner: For too long, voters across the country have suffered from state-sponsored voter suppression. With tonight’s vote o…
RT @MarkWarner: If you or someone you know has experienced recent delays with your mail, tell me about it by taking the survey belo…
RT @MarkWarner: Unfortunately, in 2021, the fight for equal pay isn’t over, and at a time when many families are struggling, we sho…
RT @MarkWarner: This is an investment in the long-term reliability of the Metro system. The Metro Safety, Accountability & Invest…
RT @MarkWarner: Marguerite Higgins was a reporter & war correspondent for the N.Y. Herald Tribune during WWII, the Korean War, and…
RT @MarkWarner: This is huge. The more people that get vaccinated, the faster we will beat this pandemic. QT @POTUS: The fight against COVID-19 is a war-time effort — and to win, we need breakthrough approaches. Today, I’m announcin…
RT @MarkWarner: I hope today we get some answers.
RT @MarkWarner: Unfortunately, in 2021, the fight for equal pay isn’t over, and at a time when many families are struggling, we sho…
RT @MarkWarner: Unfortunately, in 2021, the fight for equal pay isn’t over, and at a time when many families are struggling, we sho…
RT @MarkWarner: Virginia is gaining ground against COVID-19, with nearly 100K @JNJNews vaccines anticipated to make their way to th…
Unfortunately, in 2021, the fight for equal pay isn’t over, and at a time when many families are struggling, we should be working together to ensure women aren't being left behind. How should Congress act to close the #WageGap? Take my survey below:
Unfortunately, in 2021, the fight for equal pay isn’t over, and at a time when many families are struggling, we should be working together to ensure women aren't being left behind. How should Congress act to close the wage gap? Take my survey below:
RT @MarkWarner: We must fight all the harder to stamp out voter suppression. We must pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.… QT @Salon: Republicans roll out “tidal wave of voter suppression”: 253 restrictive bills in 43 states
RT @MarkWarner: This #WomensHistoryMonth, I will be honoring some notable women and their contributions, which have helped shape Am…
RT @MarkWarner: This #BlackHistoryMonth, I will be honoring some notable Black Americans and their contributions, which have helped…
RT @MarkWarner: A Reconstruction-era politician who opposed stripping ex-Confederates of their right to vote in the name of racial…
RT @MarkWarner: A Reconstruction-era politician who opposed stripping ex-Confederates of their right to vote in the name of racial…