Deleted Tweets From Mark Warner, D-Va.
Mark Warner's accounts: MarkWarner, MarkWarnerVA
Tracking Since: January 11, 2009
St Paul’s Area has been in distress & decline for decades with high family poverty & unemployment. I met with Mayor @KennyAlexander of @NorfolkVA & members of the Norfolk city council to discuss how federal funding from the DOT & HUD will revitalize housing & transit expansion.
St Paul’s Area has been in distress & decline for decades with high family poverty & unemployment. I met with Mayor @KennyAlexander of @NorfolkVA & members of the Norfolk city council to discuss how federal funding from the DOT & HUD will revitalize housing & transit expansion.
St Paul’s Area has been in distress & decline for decades with high family poverty & unemployment. I met with Mayor @KennyAlexander of @NorfolkVA & members of the Norfolk city council to discuss how federal funding from the DOT & HUD will revitalize housing & transit expansion.
St Paul’s Area has been in distress & decline for decades with high family poverty & unemployment. I met with Mayor @KennyAlexander of @NorfolkVA & members of the Norfolk city council to discuss how federal funding from the DOT & HUD will revitalize housing & transit expansion.
Greet Early Voters in East Henrico with Rep. Abigail Spanberger ⬇️
Greet Early Voters in Richmond with Rep. Donald McEachin ⬇️
2020 has been a tough one for us all. The months of lockdown and loss have had a huge impact on our mental health. Make sure you take some time out today and put yourself first. #WorldMentalHealthDay.
These continue to be crucial times for Virginians, relying on the @USPS. That’s why I’m at Dulles Post Office with @JenniferBoysko & @SuhasforVA, demanding immediate congressional action to reverse the harmful policy changes under Postmaster DeJoy permanently. #DontMessWithUSPS
These continue to be crucial times for Virginians, relying on the @USPS. That’s why I’m at Dulles Post Office with @JenniferBoysko and @ShasforVA, demanding immediate congressional action to reverse the harmful policy changes under Postmaster DeJoy permanently. #DontMessWithUSPS
For many TPS recipients, eliminating the program could mean life or death. That’s why today, I hosted a discussion with immigration advocates, current TPS holders, and community leaders on the path forward to protect Virginia’s 27,500 TPS recipients. #SaveTPS
Would you be impacted if Trump’s SCOTUS nominee overturns the Affordable Cares Act (#ACA) or #RoeVWade? I want to hear your story; tell me #WhatsAtStake for YOUR health.
RT @accessnow: We support Sen. @MarkWarner's call to Big Tech for accountability. Platforms must acknowledge their role in the spread of di… QT @CNNBusiness: Sen. Mark Warner sent letters to the CEOs of Facebook, Twitter and Google on Tuesday pressing them to uphold their…
"Any young child who come to the Capitol grounds now, right outside the governor's mansion, sees that statue of Barbara Johns." - Mark Warner #VASenateDebate
"Any young child who come to the Capitol grounds now, right outside the governor's mansion, sees that statue of Barbara Jones." - Mark Warner #VASenateDebate
RT @healthyhrvst_fb: We were so honored to have a visit from @MarkWarner this morning! A special thank you to the Senator and his staff fo… QT @MarkWarner: This morning I spent some time at the @HealthyHrvst_FB, a Warsaw food bank that’s been serving healthy foods to fam…
Earlier this week, Mark Warner sat down with @8NEWS (virtually) to talk about that state of the Senate race.
RT @FaceTheNation: NEW: Democratic senators @RonWyden @SenSchumer @SenAmyKlobuchar @MarkWarner and @GaryPeters have requested…
RT @QasimRashid: This is a big win for our veteran community here in #VA01. These services will provide more accessible care & incen…
And as Sept. ends, so too does #SuicidePreventionMonth. Let’s continue to share resources so that our Veterans struggling with mental health issues can get the support they need. Know that there is help. Call 1-800-273-8255 and PRESS 1. Or click below:
This administration’s efforts to ban Tiktok has been haphazard and politicized - no wonder it’s hitting legal hurdles. We need a real, risk-based conversation about the security risks of China’s tech platforms.