Deleted Tweets From Meg Gorman, D-Tenn.
Meg Gorman's accounts: Meg4Congress
Tracked Between: August 02, 2020-November 07, 2020
Meg4Congress (D-Tenn.)
The #USPS has a 91% approval rating. Donald Trump does not.
Meg4Congress (D-Tenn.)
The #USPS has a 91% approval rating. Donald Trump does not.
Meg4Congress (D-Tenn.)
For those asking, this is the corner of Kalorama Road and 19th Street in Washington, D.C.
Meg4Congress (D-Tenn.)
I have over 12,000 friends on twitter. If each of you contributed just $1, that would go a long way towards helping me defeat a 5 term Republican incumbent who votes with Trump 98.3% of time. Can you help fund the fight?
Meg4Congress (D-Tenn.)
Important QT @dataandpolitics: This is the USPS Board of Governors. Robert Duncan: John Barger:…
Meg4Congress (D-Tenn.)
It's time for Fleischmann Friday! Congressman Chuck Fleischmann voted ❌ Raising the federal minimum wage to $15 ❌ Making changes to labor laws to extend protections to labor union workers
Meg4Congress (D-Tenn.)
Meg4Congress (D-Tenn.)
@DawgsOnTop44 @PhilippeReines @PaulBegala He’s at 8.2 nationally and has been around 8% for a month