Deleted Tweets From Mike Crapo, R-Idaho
Mike Crapo's accounts: MikeCrapo, crapo4senate
Tracking Since: January 04, 2013
I am also concerned with the Administration’s budget proposals to expand IRS reporting requirements, particularly in light of a recent IRS data leak of private taxpayer information.
The Administration's mandatory financial-info reporting regime, sold under the guise of trying to close the tax gap, pulls almost all taxpayers into a surveillance dragnet. The era of big data should not be viewed as an opportunity for big brother.
I am also concerned with the Administration’s budget proposals to expand IRS reporting requirements, particularly in light of a recent IRS data leak of private taxpayer information.
Proud to once again introduce the Hearing Protection Act, which will benefit Idaho’s sportswomen and men by ensuring they have access to adequate hearing protection needed while hunting and participating in other recreational shooting sports.
RT @SenatorRisch: These are the real-life consequences of this administration’s excessive spending. When inflation causes prices to…
Another example of how workers and individuals would bear the burden of higher tax rates: QT @taxreformer: Idaho Residents Will Get Stuck with Higher Utility Bills Due to Biden Corporate Tax Rate Hike
Great to visit with you! QT @AVMACAN: Sen. @MikeCrapo, a champion of the Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program Enhancement Act, has advocated for th…
My colleagues @SenatorRisch, @ChuckGrassley, @JohnCornyn, @senrobportman, @SenatorTimScott, @SenatorLankford, @SteveDaines, and @SenToddYoung are original co-sponsors of the measure.
My fellow Senators @SenatorRisch, @ChuckGrassley, @JohnCornyn, @senrobportman, @SenatorTimScott, @SenatorLankford, @SteveDaines, and @SenToddYoung are original co-sponsors of the measure.
My fellow Senators @SenatorRisch, @ChuckGrassley, @JohnCornyn, @senrobportman, @SenatorTimScott, @SenatorLankford, @SteveDaines, and @SenToddYoung are original co-sponsors of the measure.
This fight is not over, and some further relief is required, but no clear data justifies the scale or scope of this bill. I support targeted relief, not a spending spree.
RT @SVACDems: Chairman @SenatorTester, Senator @MikeCrapo, and Ranking Member @JerryMoran today introduced the Major Richard Star…
RT @RedCrossBloodLC: TODAY @GovernorLittle will proclaim 2/4 as #RedCross Day at the #Idaho State Capitol and host a @RedCrossBloodLC bl…
RT @IRSnews: #IRS will begin accepting and processing 2020 tax year returns on Feb. 12. See details at
Many Idahoans got cancer as a result of their exposure to fallout from nuclear weapons testing and it is past time for Idahoans and our neighbors to receive the compensation they deserve.
I will continue to press for the passage of my legislation to do just that.
RT @SenateGOP: This is not who we are. This is not what we fight for. This is not American. This must stop. Now.
I thank Senator @RonWyden for his partnership on this effort.