Deleted Tweets From Andrew Cuomo, D-N.Y.
Andrew Cuomo's accounts: NYGovCuomo, andrewcuomo
Tracked Between: January 01, 2011-August 23, 2021
NYGovCuomo (D-N.Y.)
It's time to pass the Reproductive Health Act and ensure that a woman's right to safe contraceptive care is guaranteed in New York. Are you listening, @NYSenate?
andrewcuomo (D-N.Y.)
“They’ll perhaps have to go — they’ll have to go to another state,” said Trump. This cannot become our new reality. Call the U.S. Senate to demand that they vote to protect Roe at (202) 224-3121. #ScotusPick
NYGovCuomo (D-N.Y.)
These are drastic times. Just this week #SCOTUS has attacked labor & placed immigrants in harm's way. Now, the next Trump nominee could overturn Roe. The Senate Dems need to unite & do everything in their power to block - just as the GOP did to Ob
andrewcuomo (D-N.Y.)
We are better than this. New York is challenging President Trump’s disgraceful and inhuman immigration policy. We will not be bystanders to this cruel affront to our values. #KeepFamiliesTogether
NYGovCuomo (D-N.Y.)
RT @Google: To support ongoing relief efforts in Puerto Rico, we're matching donations up to $2 million to @HispanicFed and…
andrewcuomo (D-N.Y.)
As ashamed I am of the Trump administration’s response to Hurricane Maria is as proud as I am of New York’s. Today we celebrate the resilient Puerto Rican community in the #PuertoRicanDayParade and tomorrow we continue to rebuild the island stronger than
andrewcuomo (D-N.Y.)
As ashamed I am of the Trump administration’s response to Hurricane Maria is as proud I am of New York’s. Today we celebrate the resilient Puerto Rican community in the New York City parade and tomorrow we continue to rebuild the island stronger than ever
andrewcuomo (D-N.Y.)
We must stop gun violence before tragedy occurs. Sign our petition to tell your New York State representative to pass Governor Cuomo's Red Flag bill today:
andrewcuomo (D-N.Y.)
In 2015, New York became the first large state to pass same-sex marriage and it’s one of the accomplishments I’m most proud of. No matter who you are, New York will always fight for your rights to live freely and without discrimination. Join us: https://t
NYGovCuomo (D-N.Y.)
Assemblyman Denny Farrell exemplified the best of politics. He was a true public servant who taught all of us what it means to be in elected office. We will forever be grateful for the legacy of Denny Farrell.
NYGovCuomo (D-N.Y.)
RT @thurmanthomas: On my way to meet @NYGovCuomo to judge the best craft brew in NYS @tasteny stay tuned folks!
NYGovCuomo (D-N.Y.)
The proposed trash incinerator in Romulus is not consistent with my administration’s public health and environmental goals. Importing and burning solid waste in an environmentally area is simply not appropriate.
NYGovCuomo (D-N.Y.)
The proposed trash incinerator in Romulus is not consistent my administration’s public health and environmental goals. Importing and burning solid waste in an environmentally area is simply not appropriate.
NYGovCuomo (D-N.Y.)
Happy #MothersDay! Did you know that in New York State, new moms (and dads!) can take up to 8 weeks of job-protected #PaidFamilyLeave?
NYGovCuomo (D-N.Y.)
While Democrats are focused on early voting, the GOP are throwing up more roadblocks to keep New Yorkers from voting.
NYGovCuomo (D-N.Y.)
After 12 years of service, today is @CecileRichard’s last day at Planned Parenthood. She is a national champion who made a difference for millions of women by fighting for access to quality, affordable health care. #ThankYouCecile
NYGovCuomo (D-N.Y.)
In honor of #NationalDonateLifeMonth, landmarks across the state will be lit blue and green tonight, to serve as a reminder of the thousands of New Yorkers waiting for an organ donation and the steps we can take to save a life. To enroll today, visit htt
NYGovCuomo (D-N.Y.)
Honored to comemorate the memory of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. at Riverside Church tonight. The obligation to continue Dr. King's work now, more than ever, rests in our hands. #MLK50
NYGovCuomo (D-N.Y.)
I just signed an Executive Order declaring a state of emergency to expedite repairs and immediately address the public health crisis plaguing New York City Housing Authority tenants. + link
NYGovCuomo (D-N.Y.)
Earlier this week I had the privilege of presenting @CecileRichards the Governor’s Medal of Public Service for her fearless advocacy and persistence. Our message to Washington: we won’t go back.