Deleted Tweets From Nate McMurray, D-N.Y.
Nate McMurray's accounts: Nate_McMurray
Tracked Between: September 13, 2018-November 07, 2020
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
HIDE AND SEEK—Chris, we are coming. We see your name on the ballot, not someone else’s. And we will hold YOU responsible. We know what you look like. And no number of angry, ridiculous, steak and cheese sub and Red Bull downing cronies will make us forget who you are: INDICTED
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
Anyone who ever sat on corporate board, advised a corporate board, or maybe even seen a boardroom knows the rules of insider trading. They drill that stuff into your head. They make you know it’s stealing. It’s black and white. Good luck Chris
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
Political correctness...ugh. But do you what’s even worse? Treating women like property Looking at someone with disdain simply because of the shade of their skin Attacking a faith or culture because it’s not your own Making other Americans feel less than American
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
ORWELL ON NATIONALISM “The habit of assuming that human beings can be classified like insects...I mean the habit of identifying oneself with a single nation or other unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognizing no other duty than that of advancing its interests.”
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
ORWELL ON THE LIES OF NATIONALISM “Nationalism is power hunger tempered by self-deception. Every nationalist is capable of the most flagrant dishonesty, but he is also—since he is conscious of serving something bigger than himself—unshakably certain of being in the right.”
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
Can we hit 14,000 on Twitter before Election Day in two weeks? More follow means a larger voice for INTEGRITY and other issues we care about! FIGHT LIKE HELL
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
Regardless of your political beliefs, business as usual in Washington needs to end.
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
Talia Shire, yes “Adrian” from Rocky, The Godfather, and whose children and family have created so many amazing works of art, called me to share her support. I said this race is like Rocky, and her kind words were especially touching. By the way, she loves Buffalo! #NATEWILLWIN
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
Talia Shire, yes “Adrian” from Rocky, The Godfather, and whose children and family have created so many amazing works of art, called me to share her support. I said this race is like Rocky, and her words of were!especially touching. By the way, she loves Buffalo! #NATEWILLWIN
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
WHO IS THE BISCUT BEAST? A. Donor Rosie O’Donnell (Thank you for the donation Ms. Odonnell) B. Bowser C. @buffalopundit D. In a strange twist, Chris Collins himself atoning E. No one. It’s actually a blue beast I’m hoping to find out Nov 6! @biscuit_beast
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
WHO IS THE BISCUT BEAST? A. Donor Rosie O’Donnell (Thank you! for the donation Ms. Odonnell) B. Bowser C. @buffalopundit D. In a strange twist, Chris Collins himself atoning E. No one. It’s actually a blue beast I’m hoping to find out Nov 6! @biscuit_beast
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
RT @soburone: Things that @RepChrisCollins has lost since being indicted: His guns ✅ His passport ✅ Congressional commitees ✅ An…
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
More from anamazing night!
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
TALE OF TWO TABLES—In Geneseo, the empty one is the Republican table. This is a scene I’ve seen repeated. There is momentum on one side. Of course, there are good Republican candidates too. But having party bosses say with a straight face “Vote Collins” will hurt for generations
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
AMERICAN RICK SALT. For those who don’t know, millions of years ago this was a sea. And down here, they mine that sea. And the salt they mine, that’s how we keep our roads clear of ice. This is the biggest salt mine in America.
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
Every media outlet has tried to host a debate. We should’ve had 3. Now, a desperate Collins is working on a last ditch scheme to save himself in some fake debate that protects him. Bad news Chris. I won’t reward your scheming. Debate me the way you debated @KathyHochul and lost.
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
Don’t touch our signs
Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)
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