Deleted Tweets From Kate Brown, D-Ore.
Kate Brown's accounts: OregonGovBrown
Tracking Since: February 18, 2015
To our health care heroes: Endless thanks to all those on the front lines keeping us healthy and safe in these extraordinarily difficult times. I won't stop fighting for you and the resources you need.
The Resource Navigator will help small business owners connect to the financial support and information they need to stay in business through the COVID-19 crisis:
Today I'm launching a statewide initiative, the Small Business Resource Navigator, to connect Oregon's small businesses with federal, state & local resources.
COVID-19 is making paying rent difficult for many Oregonians. Yesterday, I strengthened my moratorium on residential evictions. Now, tenants can't be charged late fees for nonpayment.
This disaster declaration is an important first step toward unlocking all available resources for COVID-19 response, but more federal action is needed. I will continue to fight for access to every tool available to keep Oregonians safe.
RT @OSFM: All of Oregon, working together, can control the spread of #COVID19. The way forward is clear: #StayHomeSaveLives.…
If you ever doubt that your individual actions matter in slowing the spread of COVID-19, check out this graphic by microbiologist @SiouxsieW:
Making sure families don't lose their homes during this health crisis is the right thing for Oregon families and for preventing spread of COVID-19. That's why I have ordered protections against residential evictions for the next 90 days.
Watch live: tonight I'm speaking with Mayor @tedwheeler and Chair of the Board of Commissioners in Multnomah County @dkafoury.
Social distancing is the best tool to flatten the curve, a crucial way to reduce the strain on our healthcare system and save lives. #FlattentheCurveOR
Today I ensured that Oregon will preserve every piece of personal protective equipment (surgical masks, gowns, and gloves) so that our health care workers are safe while treating COVID-19 patients.
Take a look inside the COVID-19 Response Team’s operations center to see how they’re working tirelessly keep Oregonians healthy and safe.
While Oregon’s K-12 schools are closed, I've asked each district to continue nutrition services. It’s wonderful to see our schools step up and take care of students in need by providing grab & go meals.
While Oregon’s K-12 schools are closed, I've asked each district to continue nutrition services. It’s wonderful to see our schools step up and take care of students in need by providing grab & go meals.
Thanks, @CJMcCollum, for the assist. It's a team effort to guard against the coronavirus.
Charlie, a sophomore at Cleveland High, has been coming to the Capitol since 6th grade to testify for climate action. That’s 5 sessions of waiting for adults to do something. I’m proud that today, with Charlie & other students, we put an end to that count.
Congrats to the @OregonWBB for winning a third straight Pac-12 championship!
For International Women's Day, I'm sharing my admiration for an incredibly smart, funny, trailblazing woman: Justice Adrienne Nelson. Honored I got to appoint her to the OR Supreme Court, making her the first African American in that role. She brings heart to her work every day.
Thanks to infectious disease professor at @OHSUDoernbecher & @OHSUNews Dr. Dawn Holt for sharing the 3 simple hand washing tricks we need to be doing to protect ourselves and our families from COVID-19 coronavirus.
On the heels of today's voter access victory in FL, I got together with my friend @SenJeffMerkley to chat about how we can continue expanding voting access in our great state.