Deleted Tweets From Orrin Hatch, R-Utah
Orrin Hatch's accounts: OrrinHatch, senorrinhatch
Tracked Between: November 17, 2011-August 09, 2018
senorrinhatch (R-Utah)
It’s sad to know that Pres Obama has taken chained CPI off the table. We need to get serious about entitlement reform
senorrinhatch (R-Utah)
Rule proposed to stop IRS from not grant nonprofit, tax-exempt status to political groups is “affront to free speech”
senorrinhatch (R-Utah)
Congrats to Utahns Hailey Daniels (Ogden), Luke Hughes (Bountiful), selected as our state’s top youth volunteers for 2014 //
senorrinhatch (R-Utah)
ANOTHER #Obamacare delay shows that once again the law is a disaster and needs to be repealed
OrrinHatch (R-Utah)
Click to hear Mitt Romney's thoughts on my reelection and the importance of the Senate Finance Committee.
OrrinHatch (R-Utah)
Expressed some of my concerns today about #PIPA to Senator Reid today. You can read more here. #utpol #tcot
OrrinHatch (R-Utah)
Obama isn't Leading - YouTube
OrrinHatch (R-Utah)
On my way to Walter Reid to visit wounded soldiers and wish them a Merry Christmas. They have sacrificed so much for our country. #utpol