Deleted Tweets From Pam Keith, D-Fla.
Pam Keith's accounts: PamKeithFL
Tracked Between: December 06, 2017-November 19, 2020
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @ronlieber: This is actually happening folks. Didn't think it would. No income caps. With some goodies thrown in for the homesc…
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @RobinBrenizer: Over and over, Fox News claimed it had 10k antiTrump texts between Strzok and Page. There were 375. Total.… QT @brianstelter: “FOX NEWS HAS OBTAINED 10,000 TEXTS” between Strzok and Page, the network said, but it had not. The error no one’s…
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @rachelsklar: @goldengateblond @mjs_DC Shame on John Roberts for his Shelby verdict forever
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @CapehartJ: How Democrats can reward black women right now for their votes in Alabama and Virginia
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
Hearing that @SenJohnMcCain has been hospitalized. Praying for him and his family.
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @SenFeinstein: Every Senate Republican voted last night to confirm Steven Grasz to a lifetime judgeship despite the fact that he w…
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @brianschatz: They never read the bill. The single most important thing YOU can do today is something, anything, for a Democrat r…
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @butterflyseis: @PamKeithFL I just donated to your campaign- I'm a Univ of Miami grad 1985. No longer live there but love the state…
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @AynRandPaulRyan: Update: Bill Bratton is on @MSNBC's #MorningJoe confirming that this was a terrorist attack in the name of ISIS nea… QT @AynRandPaulRyan: DEVELOPING: Explosion reported near Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York City
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @ProgressDems: Today is Day 68. 5 states have already lost their funding. 25 more will lose funding in the next quarter. Shamefu… QT @ASlavitt: Every day #CHIP isn't enacted is a day we aren't meeting our commitments to children. Today is Day 1. RT if you agree.)
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @danpfeiffer: Manafort is just as dumb as we thought he was QT @relucasz: Manafort associates say he didn't work on op-ed. Today, special counsel provides its evidence in court filings that…
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
I can totally live with THAT! QT @GoPinker: @PamKeithFL Then Conyers should refuse to resign until the special election is scheduled.)
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @Pappiness: It looks like Gloria Allred may have tainted the Roy Moore yearbook evidence. Now all we have to go on is the othe…
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @JamesFallows: Extensive CJR analysis latest to make the case: NYT, our greatest press organization, owes itself & readers serious…
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @exoticgamora: #BreakingNews #ThursdayThoughts GOP Rep Trent Franks (AR) expected to resign over sexual harassment allegations…
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @ReaganBattalion: Video: Roy Moore: Putin may be right, America is the focus of modern evil in the world.
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @MaraJade_2017: #GOPTaxPlan eliminates the deduction for wildfire and earthquake losses. This is horrendously poor timing as the d…
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @rklein90: No one has tracked what voucher schools teach, until now. Commonly used textbooks teach creationism, refer to slave…
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @MyriamF: @RBReich The GOP’s goal is to eliminate the welfare state for ideological reasons, no matter who gets hurt or how…
PamKeithFL (D-Fla.)
RT @HallieJackson: CBC chair responds: “It’s laughable that the White House is criticizing John Lewis and Bennie Thompson for not atte… QT @HallieJackson: .@PressSec: “We think it’s unfortunate that these members of Congress wouldn’t join the President in honoring the i…