Deleted Tweets From Bill Pascrell, D-N.J.
Bill Pascrell's accounts: PascrellforNJ, BillPascrell
Tracking Since: March 05, 2012
RT @BillPascrell: This republican member of Congress tonight spewing racism beside donald trump praised hitler her first week in office. Th… QT @Acyn: Miller: President Trump… I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday
RT @BillPascrell: This republican member of Congress tonight spewing racism beside donald trump praised hitler her first week in office. Th… QT @Acyn: Miller: President Trump… I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday
RT @BillPascrell: This republican member of Congress tonight spewing racism beside donald trump praised hitler her first week in office. Th… QT @Acyn: Miller: President Trump… I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday
RT @BillPascrell: For decades, republicans have packed the courts with rightwing extremists to achieve this outcome. Terrified to eli…
RT @BillPascrell: For decades, republicans have packed the courts with rightwing extremists to achieve this outcome. Terrified to eli…
RT @chelliepingree: Happening now: I am outside the Supreme Court where hundreds of furious protestors are gathering #mepolitics
RT @BillPascrell: For decades, republicans have packed the courts with rightwing extremists to achieve this outcome. Terrified to eli…
RT @chelliepingree: A shamefully partisan Supreme Court has overturned 50 years of settled law forcing women to give birth + allowing t…
RT @BillPascrell: After destroying Roe, republicans in at least 22 states are now planning to throw women and doctors in jail. Miscar…
RT @BillPascrell: We just voted to create an Amber Alert type system for active shootings and 78% of House republicans voted against…
RT @BillPascrell: One of the republicans who asked trump for a Jan 6 pardon tried to have me censured when I demanded rudy giuliani’s…