Deleted Tweets From Bill Pascrell, D-N.J.
Bill Pascrell's accounts: PascrellforNJ, BillPascrell
Tracking Since: March 05, 2012
RT @BillPascrell: In this episode Lisa loses her faith in democracy after seeing a corrupt politician selling out American values and liber… QT @mikepompeo:
RT @BillPascrell: Meet the USPS Fairness Act. USPS is forced to prefund its employees’ health care at least *50 years in advance* —…
With @RepMarcyKaptur @AOC and other colleagues I’ve worked to expand postal banking services. It can and should be done by capable Post Offices themselves. USPS isn’t just one more mark for trump and Wall Street to suck dry. QT @zachdcarter: Another big @PatrickMRucker scoop. The Trump administration is looking to partner with JPMorgan Chase to kill posta…
RT @BillPascrell: Meet the USPS Fairness Act. USPS is forced to prefund its employees’ health care at least *50 years in advance* —…
RT @BillPascrell: Meet the USPS Fairness Act. USPS is forced to prefund its employees’ health care at least *50 years in advance* —…
RT @BillPascrell: Tonight I’ve made a criminal referral to the New Jersey Attorney General asking him to empanel a grand jury to look…
RT @BillPascrell: I’ve been sounding the alarm on attacks to the post office for some time. They did not begin with trump. My essay i…
RT @BillPascrell: Meet the USPS Fairness Act. USPS is forced to prefund its employees’ health care at least *50 years in advance* —…
RT @BillPascrell: Tonight I’ve made a criminal referral to the New Jersey Attorney General asking him to empanel a grand jury to look…
RT @NormOrnstein: @BillPascrell is a treasure! QT @kylegriffin1: Inbox: Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. has made a criminal referral to the New Jersey A.G. seeking the empaneling of a stat…
RT @RepDonBeyer: Republicans in Congress have been awfully quiet about the President's admission that he is intentionally sabotaging…
RT @BillPascrell: My @USPS explainer thread: �Handles 47% world’s mail �Ships ~150 billion ✉️/yr �Delivers more in 16 days than UPS+…
RT @BillPascrell: When given a chance to remove this man, 247-of-248 republican senators and reps voted to keep trump in office. So much o… QT @Acyn: The President says the “1917 pandemic” ended the Second World War
RT @BillPascrell: Trump’s deliberate delaying of your mail and his attacks on the post office are endangering the lives of veterans waiting… QT @AbbieRBennett: New: More than 2 dozen vets and half a dozen VA pharmacy staffers told me they're seeing veterans' USPS mail-order…
Well done New Jersey. You’ve taken real action to slow the spread of the coronavirus, and it shows. Thank you to the #NewJersey strong who’ve worn masks and kept their distance. Let’s all keep it up to ensure the numbers go the right way.
RT @BillPascrell: Trump’s assault on the post office follows the playbook the gop has used for decades: Deliberately sabotage an instituti… QT @JuddLegum: STEP 1: Install political crony as Postmaster General STEP 2: Sabotage the ability of the USPS to deliver mail and…
RT @BillPascrell: This remains one of the worst laws passed in the last generation and is the main culprit of USPS’s problems. In February… QT @hmcghee: Don't forget why the Post Office is struggling financially: a cynical 2006 law requiring them to have 75 years of r…
This is terrific news. The Manhattan DA is suggesting there's an open criminal probe into the trump crime family "for possible bank and insurance fraud." I have been seeking trump's tax returns since Feb 2017 for the same reason: to see how far the crimes go. QT @nytimes: Breaking News: The Manhattan district attorney’s office suggested for the first time that it’s investigating Presid…
RT @BillPascrell: The trump crime family is robbing you and the country blind and every day republican leaders coverup their crimes w…