Deleted Tweets From Bill Pascrell, D-N.J.
Bill Pascrell's accounts: PascrellforNJ, BillPascrell
Tracking Since: March 05, 2012
RT @BillPascrell: The lies and threats of violence from republicans and their propaganda arms are growing. Republicans think laws do…
RT @BillPascrell: Yesterday while being deposed by the NY Attorney General donald trump pled the Fifth over 440 times. 440!
RT @BillPascrell: Yesterday while being deposed by the NY Attorney General donald trump pled the Fifth over 440 times. 440!
RT @BillPascrell: The lies and threats of violence from republicans and their propaganda arms are growing. Republicans think laws do…
RT @BillPascrell: There was ZERO inflation last month. Gas prices are falling. Unemployment is at records lows. Say it with me: #BidenBoom
RT @BillPascrell: The lies and threats of violence from republicans and their propaganda arms are growing. Republicans think laws do…
RT @BillPascrell: There was ZERO inflation last month. Gas prices are falling. Unemployment is at records lows. Say it with me: #BidenBoom
RT @BillPascrell: The lies and threats of violence from republicans and their propaganda arms are growing. Republicans think laws do…
RT @BillPascrell: Here are the mcconnell republican senators who just killed capping insulin at $35. Republicans told millions of Ame…
RT @BillPascrell: Here are the mcconnell republican senators who just killed capping insulin at $35. Republicans told millions of Ame…
RT @BillPascrell: Say it with me: #BidenBoom
RT @BillPascrell: As Pres Biden signs veterans cancer care into law today here are the mcconnell republicans who voted to block veter…
RT @BillPascrell: There was ZERO inflation last month. Gas prices are falling. Unemployment is at records lows. Say it with me: #BidenBoom
RT @BillPascrell: Say it with me: #BidenBoom
RT @BillPascrell: There was ZERO inflation last month. Gas prices are falling. Unemployment is at records lows. Say it with me: #BidenBoom
RT @BillPascrell: Take a good look at this graph. Democrats build economies and republicans wreck them. #BidenBoom
RT @BillPascrell: Democrats have repeatedly voted to cap the price of insulin at $35. Yesterday mcconnell republicans killed it again…
RT @BillPascrell: Judging by the republican hysteria the last 12 hours after all the horrors, all the hearings, all the destruction,…
RT @BillPascrell: With all the republican lies circulating these days this is your regular reminder that the longest serving republic…
RT @BillPascrell: Judging by the republican hysteria the last 12 hours after all the horrors, all the hearings, all the destruction,…