Deleted Tweets From Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.
Rashida Tlaib's accounts: RashidaTlaib, RepRashida
Tracking Since: May 10, 2018
Just make sure he doesn't try to silence me and suppress my First Amendment right to speak out against Netanyahu's racist and inhumane polices. QT @mattduss: This is a good choice. Tony has the strong confidence of the president-elect and the knowledge and experience for t…
Tamir, your deep brown eyes and smile has never left my mind. You should be with us today on your birthday. I know you would have been marching with us in the streets demanding that we dismantle the racist + oppressive policies that led to your murder. We march for you, Tamir.
There is no legal basis for the Michigan Board of State Canvassers not to certify the election results that had a record of 5.5 million votes casted.
RT @davidsirota: Important "electability" stat: @BernieSanders has now won independent swing voters in 13 out of 16 Democratic prima…
RT @AyannaPressley: When your morning begins with introducing Dr. Angela Davis & she opens her remarks with, "The Occupant has been def…
A primarily Black neighborhood, 48217 community, are still without power, and many of our seniors are without heat. This is simply unacceptable. As @DTE_Energy is permitted to raise our rates, they get away with not investing in upgrades needed to survive severe weather. QT @RashidaTlaib: .@DTE_Energy why is City of Highland Park still without power? Your company needs to invest in infrastructure upgr…
This shouldn't even be a debated. We need people who are closest to our residents, especially the pain they are going through. QT @SavetheUSEPA: .@RashidaTlaib wants to see a public educator & labor advocates in top positions in a @JoeBiden administration.
.@ysimpsonpower speaks for so many of us who felt this. Take a moment & truly listen to what Yvette is saying. I want us to desparately come together. Let's value what we all bring to the table without requiring the silencing the voices of my residents who need change now. QT @IanSams: Wow, this from @ysimpsonpower is powerful. Should be required viewing.
Hearing what @CoriBush had to go through when our government failed her, reaffirms why people like Cori need to run for office. Our lived experiences is what will keep us centered on people. Cori is a voice for the longtime voiceless. QT @CoriBush: We have to do better taking care of our people in our communities. Thanks for having me on, @AliVelshi!
Thank organizers. Celebrate organizers. Breathe. Take action. Thank you, @Mvmt4BlkLives. I’m committing to fight alongside you. #TheWorkIsNotDone
RT @AOC: Every single swing-seat House Democrat who endorsed #MedicareForAll or a #GreenNewDeal won re-election or is on tra…
I can't. QT @Yamiche: I’m dying. 😂 And for the record, this was the White House basement.
RT @freep: "About 400 challengers were freely roaming the room as poll workers counted the 25,000 absentee ballots from Detroi…
I bet he knows MI Secretary of State's name now. @JocelynBenson protected the integrity of our elections even under pressure and outside intimidation tactics. Another example of proven women leading. Thank you, Secretary Benson. QT @TheBeatWithAri: WATCH: @JocelynBenson responds to Trump's statement that he "claims" the state of Michigan in this presidential ele…
RT @icaito: In 2016 a woman protested a Trump event. As she was getting evicted from the ballroom, someone yelled at her “You'r…
RT @MehrsaBaradaran: For context, this was in response to @RashidaTlaib's question about how to actually reach the unbanked after a bunch o… QT @TakeOnWallSt: .@MehrsaBaradaran on the Postal Banking being essential to addressing the underbanked and unbanked cash/ digital di…
New voter alert. Thank you Amari of #RedfordTownship for showing up for our community today. P.S. He called his mother to show her he was doing it because I guess she pushed him. It was cute and reaffirms that mothers have the power!
This little girl came to help her mother, who is a new citizen, to vote. I told her I used to come with my mom too. I am so freaking emotional right now.