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Deleted Tweets From Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.

Deleted Tweets From Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.

Rashida Tlaib's accounts: RashidaTlaib, RepRashida

Tracking Since: May 10, 2018

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@RepAyannaPressley @RepChuyGarcia and I worked with advocacy groups and 25 colleagues to send a letter to Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas raising our serious concerns about @ICEgov’s unnecessary, cruel expansion of their Intensive Supervision Appearance Program (ISAP). https://t.co/Ls12Wua058

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This letter is endorsed by more than 180 organizations. Read more about it here: https://t.co/2G6t5m3RHJ

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Calling all #GardenCity residents! Please join us for a telephone town hall Thursday, February 23rd at 5:30PM where we'll share new resources, provide legislative updates, and ensure you can access our office for assistance. To join, just dial in at 855-962-1056. https://t.co/bgr47qgiSf

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This is yet another reprehensible action taken again Steven Donziger. He should be home and free. QT @SDonziger: URGENT: With no notice or warning, 3 days ago Steven was ordered to leave home and be locked up in a halfway house… https://t.co/l4Lc7GHqhl)

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This is yet another reprehensible action taken again Steven Donziger. He should be home and free. https://t.co/mRmc1Gz8RS QT @SDonziger: URGENT: With no notice or warning, 3 days ago Steven was ordered to leave home and be locked up in a halfway house… https://t.co/l4Lc7GHqhl)

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If we're ever going tackle the climate crisis, it'll be thanks to grassroots organizers. That’s why I'm talking to @chloemaxmin and other inspiring environmental activists tonight at 8pm EST. Will you join me? https://t.co/9ZBaUHPE2P

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No one should be stripped of their right to feel safe from sexual assault and violence in the workplace. The #EndForceArbitration Act is critical to ensure abusers are held accountable. https://t.co/DAp7x9TXg9

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Talented Detroit artist @jonathanharrisart painted this powerful piece called "Critical Race Theory". It gives chilling imagery on how this contrived fight against history, seeks to erase the fight, triumphs, and success of our Black neighbors. We cannot erase Black History. https://t.co/CG117x4NOt

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Talented Detroit artist @jonathanharrisart painted this powerful piece called "Critical Race Theory". It gives chilling imagery on how this contrived fight against history, seeks to erase the fight, triumphs, and success of our Black neighbors. We cannot erase Black History. https://t.co/33JRhmCQzv

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Happy heavenly birthday Mother #RosaParks. You never gave up on the fight against injustices. I pray that I am living up to your spirit every day in speaking truth to power. ✊ Today, we intro'd a bill to rename a U.S. Postal Office in #13District. ❤ https://t.co/G2wfCpW0OQ

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Community Announcement: The Malcolm X House in Inkster #13District is now listed in the National Register of Historic Places. A special thank you to @PROJECTWEHOPED1 for their incredible work. Beautiful news on this first day of Black History Month! https://t.co/oYimDZJVVd

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Enough of rushing to war. I agree with @RepJayapal & @RepBarbaraLee: diplomacy and de-escalation must be the focus, not "lethal" aid. My constituents are tired of war and are demanding we use everything in our toolbox to prevent conflict. https://t.co/MXth6RBFZW QT @USProgressives: Russia’s strategy in Ukraine is to inflame tensions — the U.S. must not play into it. More troops, indiscriminate s… https://t.co/hJN03vR25Y)

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RT @HASCDemocrats: On this day in 2021, @POTUS signed an Executive Order that ensured transgender Americans could again serve openly i… https://t.co/9ZIbmmaIk1

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I'm so proud to support Nida Allam, a bold progressive champion that is #rootedincommunity. Nida is also the 1st Muslim to ever be elected in NC. Nida is fighting for policies that working families in North Carolina deserve. Join me in supporting her: https://t.co/JE3ZdtQjRl https://t.co/VEi27NwiK2

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50 years after #RoevWade, people across the U.S. still can’t access the abortion care they need. We must do better. With the Women's Health Protection Act, we can. I am proud to #ActForAbortionAccess & support #WHPA. https://t.co/CCRTxK0b78

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From Reconstruction to the Civil Rights Era to now. Progress with civil+voting rights have been crushed by the filibuster. It's an undemocratic tool used by a shrinking minority of extreme reactionaries+bought elected officials to stop the wishes of a diverse majority. End it. QT @MCmuckraker: Between 1917 and 1994, half of the bills that failed because of the filibuster were civil rights legislation, inclu… https://t.co/L2AXwjxbZD)

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RT @MILiberation: Join us for our 1st Expungement Fair of the year. Share, Like and Follow on all social media! https://t.co/2HKqqOODzv

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We hope all who celebrate have had a very #HappyKwanzaa. May the new year bring bountiful blessings to you all! https://t.co/kRoKvjeA2u

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On a @CityofDetroit-led meeting tonight to update residents on @StellantisNA's promises to community. 83 slide presentation! An hour into it & they are on slide 51. No Q&A yet. This is not real community engagement. No wonder they are being sued. https://t.co/81xgYG7ARw

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