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Deleted Tweets From Adam Schiff, D-Calif.

Deleted Tweets From Adam Schiff, D-Calif.

Adam Schiff's accounts: RepAdamSchiff, 28thDistrict

Tracking Since: December 03, 2009

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Trump has systematically and shamelessly trampled on democratic norms and the rule of law. That's why we need the Protecting Our Democracy Act. Now. Tune in LIVE for our discussion with the Center for American Progress on this landmark legislation: https://t.co/k79oktesw9

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We are all devastated by the loss of our friend John Lewis. Unfailingly kind and quick to smile, with a presence that radiates still. The conscious of the Congress. John, you did good, and taught generations what good trouble truly means. We’ll keep fighting in your honor. https://t.co/OmcuudgSOL

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RT @mkraju: Just asked Kevin McCarthy if he supports Trump’s move to commute sentence of Roger Stone after Stone was convicted… https://t.co/ttfcD5Ergm

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Was there ever a man born to so much wealth and privilege, Given every advantage and opportunity life has to offer, Placed in a position to wield immeasurable influence, Who has squandered it all so thoroughly? Always the victim, never the leader our country deserves. QT @realDonaldTrump: When will all of the “reporters” who have received Noble Prizes for their work on Russia, Russia, Russia, only to h… https://t.co/3QJXZCwGeS)

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Hospitals across the country and around the world need more ventilators. So the team at @NASAJPL designed a simpler, easy to make ventilator. It’s already been tested in New York City, and soon may be mass produced. Their ingenuity will help save lives. https://t.co/bS46J7Rlvt QT @NASAJPL: We usually build spacecraft, not medical devices, but we want to help. Amid the #COVID19 pandemic, we designed a hi… https://t.co/ePr8R3ROME)

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A powerful message from Inspector Gen. Michael Atkinson after his retaliatory firing: “The American people deserve an honest and effective government. They are counting on you to use authorized channels to speak up... “Please do not allow recent events to silence your voices.” https://t.co/cue388FX4y

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The case against the President is simple, and the evidence overwhelming. He abused his power by soliciting foreign interference in our election, withholding military aid from our ally, and Jeopardizing our national security, elections and democracy. https://t.co/pqJGVoCut8

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RT @RepAdamSchiff: Compelled by our duty to Constitution and country, the House impeached President Donald Trump for abuse of power an… https://t.co/fne8oj9PbV

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Impeachment of a president is a serious undertaking. The Senate’s role is to act as an impartial jury and provide a fair trial. Fair to the President and to the American people. That means seeing all the evidence, documents and witnesses. What is McConnell is afraid of?

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Today, the House Intelligence Committee released our official report on the impeachment inquiry into President Donald J. Trump. Tune in live as I discuss the significant evidence our inquiry uncovered of Trump’s Ukraine misconduct and obstruction of Congre https://t.co/C5kud1vk48

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The death of ISIS leader al-Baghdadi is great news. A bloodthirsty killer has been brought to justice. Our profound thanks to the brave service members and intel officers involved. This is not the end of ISIS and the struggle will go on. But with one less murderous thug. https://t.co/ECPTa9GoCq

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We had no choice but to move forward with an impeachment inquiry, And our focus will be on the president’s fundamental breach of his oath office. Coercing a foreign nation to interfere in our election is never ok, No matter what the president and his defenders say. https://t.co/TGxhYIKK0m

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Sorry, Mr. Trump and Mr. Meadows. I was not part of any of the staff proffer sessions with Mr. Cohen. You really should be more careful about making or propagating false statements if you wish to condemn Cohen and others. I’m sure it was unintentional.... https://t.co/FTDDJ0uPks

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Ok, .@RepJoeKennedy it’s on. It’s Bean Town vs LA LA Land. If the Sox prevail, sushi is on me. If the Dodgers win, lobster is on you. It’s been 30 years since the Dodgers last won, but the drought is over. Get the pot boiling because it’s going to lobstahs galore! #WorldSeries

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As Hurricane Florence brings its wrath to the home of millions of Americans, our thoughts go out to all affected. We give our thanks to the first responders working tirelessly to provide aid and bring those who are in danger to safety.

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Trump on revoking Brennan’s clearance: Gotten a “tremendous response” for doing that. Admiral McCraven: “I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency.” QT @washingtonpost: He oversaw the raid that killed bin Laden. Now he wants Trump to revoke his security clearance. Read William H. McR… https://t.co/vmJO8JJad0)

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Deeply saddened to learn that a women inside the Silver Lake Trader Joe’s was shot and killed. I had a chance to speak with Chief Moore and to thank him for the brave work of the men and women of the LAPD. Our prayers are with the families of the victims.

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Here’s my message to House Republicans: Wake up. Do your job. You swore an oath to the Constitution, not to this President. Your job is oversight, not helping Trump’s legal defense. These attacks on our justice system must end. https://t.co/YzuVr9p1Ob

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Donald Trump is out championing the idea of his own impeachment to rally his supporters — let him. Democrats should keep their focus on the economy and a return to decency. Let the investigations run their course before reaching any conclusion. https://t. QT @nytopinion: During the course of our investigation in the House Intelligence Committee, we have found troubling evidence of bot… https://t.co/LCvVkje6Sa)

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