Deleted Tweets From Angie Craig, D-Minn.
Angie Craig's accounts: RepAngieCraig, AngieCraigMN
Tracking Since: January 03, 2019
Always a pleasure to walk in the Kaposia Days Parade in South Saint Paul with such good friends from #MN02!
For far too long, Vietnam Veterans exposed to Agent Orange have been unable to access the benefits they earned. I am incredibly relieved that the @VA will finally follow the mandate I fought for to make this right for those impacted.
I’m excited to be meeting visitors in person in Washington again – especially when it’s such a bright group of students from Apple Valley. Thank you to Mr. Siefkes and all the teachers and students from @SHMS_Saints for inviting me to join you at the Grant Memorial today!
Suicide one of the leading causes of death in the US. Thank you to @afspnational for talking with me today about your work to help those in crisis. If you or a loved one needs help, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or text TALK to 741741.
RT @marceelias: �BREAKING: Federal Court BLOCKS Minnesota's effort to postpone critical Minnesota US House Election. A BIG victor…
RT @marceelias: �BREAKING: Supreme Court DENIES Republican application to halt U.S. Congressional election in Minnesota. MN-2 elect…
RT @marceelias: �BREAKING: Minnesota Federal Court REJECTS latest effort to postpone Minnesota Congressional Election. Another v…
RT @marceelias: �BREAKING: 8th Circuit Court of Appeals REJECTS Republican effort to postpone US House Election In Minnesota. If y…
RT @marceelias: �BREAKING: A unanimous panel of the 8th Circuit REJECTS Republican effort to undo @AngieCraigMN's election victory.…
I know Vegas loves to gamble, @RepSusieLee – but you never bet against the boys from the Land of 1,000 Rinks when they’re on the ice. Go @MNWild! Want to make it interesting?
RT @NPR: The Biden administration has announced the government will protect LGBTQ people against discrimination in health ca…
We must eliminate childcare deserts across our state so Minnesotans are not forced to choose between a family & a career. The American Jobs Plan would help to ensure that early childhood education is available for all who want and need it. Learn more here:
Tonight, President Biden will deliver an Address to a Joint Session of Congress. We owe such a debt of gratitude to the health care heroes who’ve helped us through this pandemic and I’m so proud that I’ll be joined virtually by Heather Tidd from @DakotaCFC.
I’m co-leading the PPP Second Draw Fairness Act because no business, big or small, should have to close shop due to this awful virus.
On this #LesbianVisibilityDay I am especially proud to be the first lesbian mom in the U.S. Congress and to be married to my amazing wife, Cheryl!
Thanks @BradTabke for the invite to Shakopee & the amazing staff & volunteers at today’s Esperanza food distribution event. You truly help our communities in #MN02 thrive. If your family is in need, their next event is next week at La Viña in Burnsville:
RT @SBAgov: UPDATE: The Shuttered Venue Operators Grant application portal will reopen tomorrow, April 24 at 12:30 p.m. EDT for…
RT @cmhayden10: This is a great story highlighting @AngieCraigMN tireless effort to ensure families with adult dependents received…
Summitt and Sophie are wishing all of her fellow furry friends a happy #NationalPetDay!
Supporting jobs in the trades is a vital part of our economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you to @FTI_IUPAT for holding a virtual job fair today to help connect folks to these opportunities. It was an honor to join you!