Deleted Tweets From Joyce Beatty, D-Ohio
Joyce Beatty's accounts: RepBeatty, JoyceBeatty
Tracking Since: July 24, 2014
John would be a fantastic choice. I am proud to support him. QT @NPR: The veteran Democratic aide John Jones is in the mix to head President-elect Biden's Office of Management and Budge…
Yesterday: "For those great 'historians', please remember that these great discoveries, which will end the China Plague, all took place on my watch!" - Trump. Today: on the Internet... then it must be true! #LOL
Listen up, Ohio! Less than one month to #GetCovered or renew your health insurance. Deadline is November 15th. Visit now for more information.
RT @littlecrunchy_: FOLLOW @RepBeatty pass it on QT @RepBeatty: Ditto. Pass it on. #VoteByMail2020
Do you all feel that? It's a new week, and brighter days lie ahead for our country. #MondayMotivation
I am proud to announce that I am running to be Chair of @TheBlackCaucus for the 117th Congress.
Congratulations, Madam Vice President-Election @KamalaHarris!
RT @glhssclub: Wow!! So proud to receive this letter from @RepBeatty recognizing our efforts to provide dispensers & FREE feminine…
New reports finds that 500,000+ Americans could die from COVID-19 by mid-January if we don't #FlattenTheCurve!
FACT: 17 states have hit record high COVID-19 cases since last Wednesday, including Ohio just yesterday!
5 days left to vote. Every vote counts! #MakeAPlanToVote ⬇️ Get more info now. ⬇️
It took @SenateGOP 30 DAYS to rush Amy Coney Barrett conformation. It took @GOP 51 DAYS to pass $1.9 trillion tax cut for the super wealthy. Meanwhile, emergency unemployment expired 88 DAYS ago & they’ve refused to pass a COVID-19 bill for 166 DAYS (& counting). #Priorities
So, when will COVID-19 just disappear” as Trump’s promised over and over again?!
COVID-19 has impacted ALL of us! #InThisTogether
“Within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.” - Trump, 2/26/2020. #InHisOwnWords
Your voice is your vote. Your vote is your power. Vote Ohio! ✊ <iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Riddle me this... If @SenateMajLdr McConnell & @SenateGOP believe another COVID-19 relief bill can until AFTER the Election, why can't advancing a Supreme Court nominee? #QuestionTime #Priorities