Deleted Tweets From Stephanie Bice, R-Okla.
Stephanie Bice's accounts: RepBice, stephaniebice
Tracking Since: January 03, 2021
There was a 41% increase in the amount of fentanyl sized at the southern border in 2021 over 2020. According to CBP, nearly 400,000 people evaded apprehension last year, also. How much deadly fentanyl slipped into the U.S. due to the left's wide open border policies?
❌Extreme violence at the border ❌Stalled supply chain ❌Catastrophic levels of Bidenflation One year into his presidency & it’s safe to say Joe Biden’s policies are destroying America.
Today is the start of tax filing season with @IRSnews. Here are some key items to keep in mind when filing your federal income tax returns this year:
He has ignored the dire situation in Ukraine, & now has given “the green light to Putin to enter Ukraine at his pleasure,”which has “stunned” the Ukrainian govt. It's horrific that Biden's weakness on the world stage may cause yet another disaster like what we saw in Afghanistan.
Biden Administration says they’re giving away 400M N96 masks …. Wonder if they are the same ones delivered to my DC office last week ….. ♀️
Oklahoma's fair, transparent, and legitimate election laws are on the line. Call @POTUS and let him know Oklahomans do NOT want federalized elections.
Oklahoma's fair, transparent, and legitimate election laws are on the line. Call @SenSchumer and let him know Oklahomans do NOT want federalized elections.
Life is a precious gift from God. I will never stop fighting to protect the unborn.
The Senate passed the Congressional Review Act to get rid of the vaccine mandate on businesses of 100+ employees. I'm proud to sign on to @repderrellissa and @RepFredKeller's letter to Speaker Pelosi urging her to call a vote on this bill ASAP. Letter⬇️
RT @RepTonyGonzales: The cost of the immigration crisis is only growing and our border communities are fronting the bill. I co-lead th…
@USANana1 You should do what @fedupinoklahoma did and check my vote …
Thanksgiving As Thanksgiving nears, I am constantly thankful to be surrounded by my wonderful friends, family, and #OK05 constituents. What are you thankful for?
Thank you to everyone in #OK05 and across the country who works tirelessly to protect and advance public health. Your efforts save lives. #PHTYD #PublicHealthHeroes
In collaboration with my @housesciencegop colleagues, we passed my bipartisan bill that will provide necessary updates to our weather system, which will ultimately save lives. Next, it will be considered on the House floor. QT @housesciencegop: TODAY: Science Committee passed @RepBice's NWR Modernization Act, upgrading the life-saving National Weather Radio…
We want to create a cleaner America for generations to come. We've proven that the U.S. is incredibly innovative & efficient in producing global emissions, while also boosting our economy. Instead of limiting production or moving offshore, let's double-down on our potential.
Tune in now to @EconomyGOP hearing on the economic effects of technological innovation, automation, and the future of work. ⬇️
RT @HarderRambles: This attack ad on @stephaniebice is repulsive & should be denounced by other women in the CD5 race. QT @casteelpolitics: Bice says ad linking her to Harvey Weinstein an insult to Oklahoma women
RT @HarderRambles: Congratulations to @stephaniebice for making the CD5 runoff! I’ll always remember getting coffee in Shartel Cafe to…
The Democrats’ decision to pull funding from the Iron Dome — the missile defense system that protects innocent lives from rocket attacks, is inexcusable. The House must stand with Israel and restore this vital defense system. #StandWithIsrael