Deleted Tweets From Tony Cardenas, D-Calif.
Tony Cardenas's accounts: RepCardenas, CardenasforCA, Tcardenas
Tracking Since: February 27, 2013
Congratulations America, as Secretary of HHS, @AGBecerra will continue to serve us very well. Another great @latinx on the @JoeBiden cabinet.
Today, @SenateRules will hold a historic hearing on the National Museum of the American Latino Act. Read my op-ed in @NBCNews about why America needs a #LatinoMuseumNow. Tune in here:
“Without additional action to support families with young children, we project 3.9 million children younger than 6 years old will experience poverty in August to December of this year.” Do your job and pass the #HeroesAct now @senatemajldr McConnell.
Trump & @SenateGOP rushed this confirmation through because they are scared. The very Senators who blocked Obama’s nominee a year before the 2016 election have now voted to fill Justice Ginsburg a week before a presidential election. This is hypocrisy.
I am proud to be an original cosponsor of this resolution. The people of #Artsakh have a right to self-determination. Full statement below:
This is a human rights travesty perpetrated by the Trump Administration. They just be held accountable. QT @jacobsoboroff: BREAKING: Lawyers say they can't find the parents of 545 migrant children separated by the Trump administration. Wi…
“'We need to take away children,' Mr. Sessions told the prosecutors." President @realDonaldTrump weaponized @TheJusticeDept to push his hateful, anti-immigrant agenda. He was willing to tear babies away from the arms of mothers to for politics.
Yesterday, the @EnergyCommerce Subcommittee on Health held a hearing the Affordable Care Act. Right now, in the middle of a crippling pandemic, President Trump and Republicans are trying to end the ACA and take health coverage away from millions of Americans.
There have been more than 425 mass shootings this year alone — that’s an average of nearly 2 shootings per day. Today, I #WearOrangeMasks to mark 575 days since the House passed the Bipartisan Background Checks Act. @senatemajldr McConnel refuses to bring this bill to a vote.
Proud to get a 100% scorecard from @ActForParks for my work to protect national parks and wildlife. I'll always fight to protect our national treasures.
RT @SenateDems: Why are President Trump and Senator McConnell trying to rush through a Supreme Court nominee? It’s not complicated…
President @realDonaldTrump admitted that he lied to the American people about the seriousness of the coronavirus threat and new how deadly the virus is. Congress must open an investigation into the White House Coronavirus Task Force to determine the extent of this cover up.
RT @RepJeffries: The United States has 4% of the world’s population. But more than 20 percent of COVID-19 related deaths. More tha…
Today, I introduced the introduced the Affordable Solar Energy for Our Communities Act. This bill establishes a $200 million grant program to finance the planning and construction of solar panels for low-income families.
RT @RepJuanVargas: The Trump administration will distort the 2020 Census count by cutting the deadline one month early. This administr…
RT @RepCardenas: "If we truly want to build a country that works for everyone, we must start by including everyone; we owe it to our…
@UnivisionNews @Univision34LA ¡Únete a mí mañana por la noche para mi evento en el ayuntamiento organizado por @UnivisionNews! @ Univision34LA Discutiremos el Censo, contestaremos preguntas sobre # COVID19 y compartiremos recursos para la comunidad.
.@HouseDemocrats are keeping their promise and fighting for the American people. That’s why I was proud to vote for the #NoBanAct. Our strength is our diversity and denying entrance to someone based on their religion in in-American.