Deleted Tweets From Diana DeGette, D-Colo.
Diana DeGette's accounts: RepDianaDeGette, DeGette5280
Tracking Since: June 07, 2010
CHIP is a lifeline for nearly 9 million kids. Time for Republicans to stop playing politics and #ExtendCHIP
Orgullosoa de firmar la petición exigiendo el voto del #DREAMAct. Le hago un llamado al @GOPEspanol a unirse a este…
.@FDA must fix its over-the-counter drug review process; it hasn't changed with the times. Our bipartisan bill prov…
Honored to meet with visiting female members of Japan's legislature. We discussed the challenges and opportunities…
We've just introduced this resolution to formally censure @POTUS for his outrageous comments on white supremacists.
Proud to join my Dem. colleagues in defending #LGBTQ Americans, who deserve the protections of the Civil Rights Act… QT @FrankPallone: .@davidcicilline & 60+ colleagues in the House & Senate joined me in urging DOJ to respect LGBT worker protections →
I'm investigating why insulin & other prescription drugs costs are skyrocketing #WhatsNextRx
During her visit, I hope @BetsyDeVosED also explains why she aims to dismantle #TitleX sexual assault protections.
In Colorado alone, nearly 600K kids rely on CHIP. Gutting this program and #Medicaid would be unconscionable.
Some low-income older adults could be forced to pay $13,6000 to $16,000 per year for premiums. #CBOScore (3/5)
This bill would cause 23 million people to lose health insurance over 10 years – 14 million of them in the first year alone. #CBOScore (2/5)
#Trumpcare is bad news for many people. If it becomes law, it will ration care and put insurance companies back in charge. #CBOScore (1/5)
I joined colleagues and @NCIAorg to demand that @POTUS respect our states' marijuana laws. Stay tuned for my legisl…
Born a slave and later escaping to freedom, #SojournerTruth #persisted, speaking out to unify the causes of aboliti…
House members will defend @ENERGY staff in CO & nationwide against intimidation or censorship from @realDonaldTrump:
@Surgeon_General helps us sound the alarm on teen use of #ecigs. Nicotine in any form harms developing brains.
@voxdotcom explains why we must #disbandthepanel to safeguard #reproductiverights and #protectresearch.
@SelectPanelDems walked out of today’s sham of a markup. We refused to indulge in this #GOP smear campaign.
.@RepSwallwell is right: Respect & resolve to #disarmhate. #DemandAVote on gun safety bills that make a difference. QT @RepSwalwell: Victims and survivors of #gunviolence need more than silence, they need action. We’ve got to #disarmhate.