Deleted Tweets From Veronica Escobar, D-Texas
Veronica Escobar's accounts: RepEscobar, vgescobar
Tracking Since: January 03, 2019
You go first, @IngrahamAngle. Let us know how it works out. QT @IngrahamAngle: At some point, the president is going to have to look at Drs. Fauci and Birx and say, we're opening on May 1. Give…
RT @ELPCensus2020: Have you been counted yet? Currently, El Paso is one of the leaders for highest count in Texas—let’s keep up the go…
RT @anxious_maria: Texas Democrats sue state and county elections officials in federal court to demand mail-in voting, @James_Barragan…
RT @ObsoleteDogma: Two Jared Kushner quotes that should make you fear for your life: “I know how to make this government run now” and…
After announcing that senior citizens and people with disabilities would be required to file tax returns to receive #COVID19 relief funds. @stevenmnuchin1 is reversing that ill-conceived decision. The People - 1 Trump - 0 QT @washingtonpost: Social Security recipients who don't usually file tax returns no longer need to file them to get stimulus payments,…
.@realDonaldTrump’s obsession with immigrants has tainted his efforts to control the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, exacerbating the crisis and creating more fear among immigrant communities - documented and undocumented.
On my website, El Pasoans can find #COVID19 resources for: Veterans and service members Small businesses Congressional legislation Testing ✈️ Travel And more! Visit now
It's Census Day! Click here to fill out your 2020 Census online in just a few minutes: #EveryoneCounts
This isn’t just an outrageous decision, but it’s also a deadly one. Moments ago, @realDonaldTrump announced we should expect 100-200k deaths in the U.S. For those without health insurance, this is be fatal. Time to end this senseless war on health care. #ProtectOurCare QT @politico: Trump officials have decided against reopening Obamacare enrollment to uninsured Americans during the coronavirus p…
RT @politico: Trump officials have decided against reopening Obamacare enrollment to uninsured Americans during the coronavirus p…
RT @KTSMtv: Health officials have made it easier for more people to get screened.
Instead of a national standard, the Trump administration is depending on a patchwork of state standards. In a state like TX, we a Gov leaving it up to communities. How about we have a federal government that “doesn’t want to see the high numbers of Coronavirus cases and deaths”? QT @Yamiche: Dr. Birx says communities need to decide that they don't want to see the high numbers of coronavirus cases and deat…
Transparency is an important tool during moments of crisis. I'm so proud of my friend @JudgeClayJ for his consistent, strong leadership in Texas. QT @JudgeClayJ: Here is the latest map from @DCHHS @PCCInnovation showing each zip codes number range. Information is power and…
RT @CDCgov: People over 65 and people with underlying medical conditions are at higher risk for #coronavirus. Together, we can…
El Pasoans, while we #StayHome, let’s keep those who have been affected by this pandemic in our hearts and show gratitude to those who are putting themselves at risk every day.
RT @SominiSengupta: A replay of the racist attacks after Sept. 11. "But unlike 2001, when President George W. Bush urged tolerance of M…
RT @TeamPelosi: While we battle the public health crisis of the Coronavirus and ensure we put #FamiliesFirst, Trump is *still* tryi…
RT @SethHanlon: Under Mitch McConnell’s direct payments plan, only 39% of people get the full amount. Thread QT @lenburman: Some key points: Only 39% of people would get the full rebate. Low-income people get no or partial rebate because 2…
In anticipation of the temporary restriction of non-essential travel across the U.S.-Mexico border, I’m urging El Pasoans to prepare contingency plans. Make a plan and stay informed. Watch my interview with @MillsKFOX_CBS
RT @Yamiche: My Q: When will everyone who needs a coronavirus test be able to get a test? Pres Trump: “No-one is talking about…