Deleted Tweets From Veronica Escobar, D-Texas
Veronica Escobar's accounts: RepEscobar, vgescobar
Tracking Since: January 03, 2019
RT @CommStout: What a pleasure to see my frmr colleague and now Congresswoman @RepEscobar hard at work in House Judiciary Cmte hea…
RT @gazelle_7th: @WPSNavyFan @RepEscobar @SpeakerPelosi @SenSanders @UndoFamilyBan @Ilhan My husband is a US citizen libing in thr U…
RT @BobMooreNews: Texas’ efforts to end or severely limit gambling offered by El Paso’s Tigua tribe moved forward in new court filing…
@GloriaKFOX14 @ACE19631 @KFOX14 @vgescobar Gloria, I stated that we do not yet know what funding (or from which military installations) will be cut to fund a wall through the emergency declaration. I’ve expressed concern that Ft Bliss funding may be on the list, including any not-yet-obligated funds for the hospital
RT @TheAtlantic: Spike Lee and 'BlacKkKlansman' win for Best Adapted Screenplay at the #Oscars: "A film loaded with broad comedy, bo…
RT @BennieGThompson: Today I visited our southern border and witnessed firsthand the reality of our safe and prosper southern border. I…
The @HopeBorder Institute visited Guatemala to meet with the families of Jakelin Caal Maquin and Felipe Gomez Alonzo. This week, I had the opportunity to express my gratitude for their work and to hear about their visit.
RT @OFRNews: Days until the 116th Congress: 16 Today, we are highlighting Texas Congressional District 16, which will be repres…
The @TXCivilRights project has released a new report uncovering the Trump administration’s lies and revealing that families are still being separated under the cruel and inhumane zero-tolerance policy. This must end. #FamiliesBelongTogether
RT @Ike_Saul: Who will be the first female president? It could be @vgescobar or @MikieSherrill, both running for Congress this ye…
RT @LeaderHoyer: Last week, I traveled to TX & NM with @RepEscobar, @RepTorresSmall, @RepDebHaaland, & @RepMGS. Despite…
RT @ElPasoChildrens: Today, El Paso Children’s Hospital is honored to celebrate a wonderful birthday gift by Patrick Gabaldon (…
RT @Morning_Joe: Trump WH at core of border crisis, says @vgescobar
RT @Morning_Joe: Trump WH at core of border crisis, says @vgescobar
RT @dhuntreporter: I’ve worked for 35 years as a reporter in El Paso. Wasn’t until Monday night that I witnessed a member of the media bein… QT @RepEscobar: These attacks on the press are totally unacceptable. El Pasoans have long rejected the politics of fear & hatred, s…
RT @TexasMonthly: .@cd_hooks: @realdonaldtrump has repeated false narratives about Texas since at least 2015. He doesn’t seem very in…
RT @KFOX14: .@RepEscobar is inviting an El Pasoan who is a '#Dreamer' to the #StateOfTheUnion Address on Tuesday.
RT @MikeLevinCA: Last week our country witnessed five mass shootings in just five days. These tragedies barely made headlines. It…
@evanasmith @BetoORourke @CesarJBlanco @moodyforelpaso @RepMaryGonzalez @JoseforTexas @ByrdSusie .@parscale a couple of facts for you: 1. The existing wall has actually driven migrants to more treacherous and *deadly* crossings, an often conveniently overlooked consequence. 2. El Paso has been one of the safest communities in the US — long before the wall was ever built.