Deleted Tweets From Mike Fitzpatrick, R-Pa.
Mike Fitzpatrick's accounts: RepFitzpatrick, Fitzpatrickpa8
Tracked Between: November 21, 2011-February 16, 2017
RepFitzpatrick (R-Pa.)
ICYMI: Five House committees issued interim progress reports on their investigations into the attacks on the U.S....
RepFitzpatrick (R-Pa.)
ICYMI: The House passed a #BalancedBudget that will foster a healthier economy while the President's budget that will never balance.
RepFitzpatrick (R-Pa.)
Be sure to follow me on Twitter for updates on tonight's State of the Union address
RepFitzpatrick (R-Pa.)
50,000 volunteers signed up to help set the state for #inaug2013
RepFitzpatrick (R-Pa.)
50,000 volunteers signed up to help set the stage for #inagu2013
RepFitzpatrick (R-Pa.)
42 cents of every federal dollar spent is borrowed. #NoBudgetNoPay