Deleted Tweets From Diana Harshbarger, R-Tenn.
Diana Harshbarger's accounts: RepHarshbarger, DHarshbargerTN1
Tracking Since: January 03, 2021
RT @RepHarshbarger: Government overreach such as Biden’s outrageous vaccine & mask mandates are threatening American freedom. It’s not…
RT @DanCrenshawTX: US CENTCOM Commander: we are communicating with the Taliban to “make sure they know what we expect them to do to pr…
RT @AndrewSolender: GOP Rep. Ronny Jackson, a former WH physician, and 13 other House Republicans, tell Biden in a letter to "submit to…
While I’m here in East Tennessee, my Washington, D.C., staff met with Jeff Aiken of Telford, who serves as 1st Congressional District president of the @TNFarmBureau, for an update on how we can continue to best serve and support our farmers. I hope to see you soon as well, Jeff!
Sending prayers to Florida QT @GovBillLee: “Correction’s true mission is to enhance public safety by providing rehabilitation within a secured environment.”…
RT @RepRichHudson: �140 Members & I are calling on the ATF to withdraw its rule on stabilizing braces. This rule jeopardizes #2A righ…
RT @SenTedCruz: A government mandated vaccine passport would be completely discriminatory against people who, for whatever reason, do not g… QT @RepHarshbarger: Vaccine passports are a restriction on individual liberties, period. I introduced the No Vaccine Passports for Amer…
RT @RepHarshbarger: If you’d like to receive weekly updates from my office every Friday afternoon, please sign up for my weekly newslet…
I signed on to @RepAshleyHinson’s See the Crisis Act to defund VP Harris’ international travel until she sees the Biden border crisis for herself. As border czar, she has completed ignored her responsibility and clearly has no interest in securing the border.
In the face of attacks by Iran-backed Hamas terrorists, it’s more important now than ever that we stand with our ally Israel #IStandWithIsrael
I’m committed to eliminating red tape that is keeping Americans out of work, and the Freedom to Work Act does just that. Thank you, @BeaconTN, for your support.
I stopped by the Kingsport Farmers Market on Saturday where I ran into a few friends including Stella Robinette, founder of HOPE, the Kingsport Chamber’s Leadership Kingsport CIP Team, and Alderman Daryl Duncan. It was great seeing everyone and I enjoyed stopping by!
My team is hard at work across the first district again hosting veteran and military family mobile office hours, including yesterday, in Greene County! If you’re in need of assistance with a federal agency, visit my website here
It was great to hear from @newtgingrich this morning about ideas to transform healthcare, improve quality and lower costs for Americans. Thanks for meeting with us @GOPDoctors!
Thanks to members of the Greene County Partnership for having me stop by yesterday to hear more about how the group is promoting Greene County as a wonderful place to work, live and play!
I had a great dinner last night at Casa Nostra in Gray & enjoyed saying hi to the very proud owners. Great food and even better company!
RT @RepHarshbarger: This week’s news about the tax filing deadline extension is great news for many East Tennesseans & Americans, and f…
The Democrats’ so called ‘equality act’ poses a dangerous threat to free speech, religious freedom, and pro-life moral beliefs. Today, I will be voting against this liberal, partisan, and overreaching bill.
Tonight, I voted no on the partisan budget reconciliation resolution. Read my full statement here: