Deleted Tweets From Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y.
Hakeem Jeffries's accounts: RepJeffries, hakeemjeffries
Tracking Since: January 16, 2013
Back home after visiting asylum seekers on the border. Trump’s new wait-in-Mexico protocol is another nasty & xenophobic scheme. Asylum seekers are entitled to due process here. Those rights should be vindicated in America.
The apple doesn’t fall far from the same rotten tree #Birther-in-Chief
Many House Republicans wrap themselves in the flag and patriotic rhetoric. But have nothing to say when fake leader of the free world blatantly sides with a Communist North Korean Dictator. PHONIES.
LHouse Dems are unified. We are focused. And we are fighting hard #ForThePeople. All day. Everyday.
RT @RepDavids: Watching my friend, @RepDebHaaland, become the first Native American woman to sit in the Speaker’s chair and presid…
Despite the snow storm, the seniors came out! They made clear importance of keeping the government open. Stopping medieval :european_castle: border wall. And giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices #ForThePeople.
Just spoke with BOP Director and reiterated (among other things) the following: Building-wide lock down must end asap. Health of elderly and medically challenged inmates must be prioritized. Family visitation/communication must resume. Will continue fight #ForThePeople.
Jakelin Caal Marquin and Felipe Gomez-Alonso deserved better. Our country should welcome the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Instead, these precious children were greeted with depraved indifference to human life. There will be NO BORDER WALL and This. Will. End.
RT @NancyPelosi: .@realDonaldTrump has the Senate, the White House, and the House (for the moment) under Republican control. He has…
Just spoke on the House Floor in support of historic criminal justice reform legislation that will be voted on shortly #FirstStepAct #EndMassIncarceration
White House support for #FirstStepAct & #CriminalJusticeReform positive step in the right direction. We must #EndMassIncarceration and do it in Bipartisan fashion
Democrats win Senate Seat in Arizona! And now have been shutout in swing states like Nevada, Ohio, PA, Wis, Minnesota and Michigan. Red wave from Trump & McConnell? Not. Even. A. Ripple.
Tweet: These phonies will stop at nothing to keep power. We fight #ForThePeople. They fight for the privileged few. Don’t. Believe. The. Hype.
These phonies will stop at nothing to keep power. We fight #ForThePeople. They fight for the privileged few. Don’t. Believe. The. Hype.
America's bridges, roads, tunnels, mass transit system and public housing developments are crumbling. Republicans support a fake infrastructure plan. We have a real one #PublicHousing #IncreasedPay #ForThePeople
We helped create the mess in Central America that many refugees are fleeing. It's our responsibility to help clean it up
ICE tried to stop @RepJerryNadler @RepEspaillat @FrankPallone @RepSires @BillPascrell @RepMaloney and myself from entering detention center and exposing unjust Trump/Republican family separation policy. We persisted. They relented. https://t.c
Gas prices are up, wages are down and there is no evidence #GOPTaxScam led to meaningful creation of good-paying jobs