Deleted Tweets From Jimmy Panetta, D-Calif.
Jimmy Panetta's accounts: RepJimmyPanetta, JimmyPanetta
Tracking Since: September 28, 2018
Great to speak with Alexis McGill Johnson, Acting President & CEO of @PPFA, and Eleni Kounalakis, @CALtGovernor at @PPMarMonte to mark the anniversary of the #RoevWade decision. I am committed to protecting a woman’s right to choose and access to affordable healthcare.
Great to meet with Alexis McGill Johnson, Acting President & CEO of @PPFA, and Eleni Kounalakis, @CALtGovernor at @plannedparenthoodmm to mark the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. I am committed to protecting the right to choose and access to affordable healthcare.
RT @UFWF: We are cheering on our @UFWF member, Dreamer, and proud #farmworker with 16 yrs of experience: Pablo, from #Salinas…
Today we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We are inspired by his commitment to equality & peaceful change, that has inspired generations. Let us remember that there is still work to be done to ensure that everyone has equal rights.
Today, Monday, January 20, all National Park Service sites that charge an entrance fee will offer free admission to everyone. That includes Pinnacles National Park - right in our backyard!
RT @LeaderHoyer: House Dems are continuing to take action #ForThePeople. Today, we passed the #PFAS Action Act to address the harmfu…
The improved #USMCA will provide #CA20 farmers & ranchers with improved access to our export markets, Canada & Mexico, and give them the certainty that they deserve. The deal also has the strongest & most progressive labor & environmental standards of any U.S. trade agreement.
RT @RepJimmyPanetta: The House just passed the #LowerDrugCosts Now Act to lower prescription drug costs! No one should feel forced to…
My prayers go out to the victims of the senseless acts of gun violence this week from Pensacola to Pearl Harbor. Our thoughts and our work must be about implementing common sense gun safety reform.
The administration’s decision will make it harder for the poorest and most vulnerable on the Central Coast to put food on the table. As a member of the @HouseAgDems, I'll continue to fight to protect CalFresh & help those who need to use it.
RT @USGLC: After spending their careers putting country first and serving in the U.S. military, the For Country Caucus are now…
Proud of Elle, a student athlete at my alma mater, Carmel High. As the kicker for the football team, she scored a field goal and two extra points in Saturday’s game. Great job! QT @CarmelFootball: Current 2 sport athlete Elle Bohlman went 2-2 on extra points and made a 28yd field goal yesterday. Elle is the 2…
Today, astronauts are making history with first all-female spacewalk. They are inspiration to the next generation of scientists and explorers. You can watch them work outside of the International Space Station, live: QT @NBCNews: LIVE: NASA's first ever all-female spacewalk from the ISS
RT @WhipClyburn: Today marks the 4th anniversary of the devastating tragedy that was the Emanuel AME Church shooting. While we off…