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Deleted Tweets From Mary Gay Scanlon, D-Pa.

Deleted Tweets From Mary Gay Scanlon, D-Pa.

Mary Gay Scanlon's accounts: RepMGS, marygayscanlon

Tracking Since: November 30, 2018

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RT @GiffordsCourage: 32. That’s the number of lives that were stolen 12 years ago in the shooting at Virginia Tech. Today, we reflect o… https://t.co/hy8XAdPNVX

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I was proud to join the International Carpenters Union on Tax Day for their Tax Fraud Day of Action. We must continue to fight for fair wages, protect the rights of workers, and bring attention to the common misclassification of skilled workers in the construction industry. https://t.co/cqSpcPAR8j

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I was proud to join the International Carpenters Union on Tax Day for their Tax Fraud Day of Action. We must continue to fight for fair wages, protect the rights of workers, and bring attention to the common misclassification of skilled workers in the construction industry. https://t.co/0mk0GzWx61

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RT @OutFrontCNN: "That's the basic problem we have here is that he's still redacting the report," says Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon about t… https://t.co/DdNgp2KKHx

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The Flores case states that it is inhumane to hold refugee children in jails. For reference➡️ https://t.co/dBHsWyI9le

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RT @TheDLCC: BREAKING: @pamforpa has won the special election in SD37 for the Pennsylvania Senate, flipping the seat from red to… https://t.co/2OTAWEcnUq

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We cannot permit this sabotage of our healthcare system. We must continue working to lower costs and extend coverage to dependable, reliable, and affordable healthcare for every American.

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The ACA has protected people with pre-existing conditions, expanded Medicaid, banned discriminatory insurance practices that forced women to pay more, and extended coverage to young adults on their parents’ plan until age 26.

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One of the first votes the Democratic Majority cast in 2019 was to authorize House Counsel to intervene in the Texas v. U.S. — a lawsuit that the administration is supporting which would strike down the entire Affordable Care Act.

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The @PHLAirport not only supports more than 96k full time jobs throughout SEPA, but connects our region to the . Today, I experienced the airport for the 1st time not as a traveler, spoke with TSA agents, and learned about new projects coming to PHL. https://t.co/cE8UXUppC5

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The @PHLAirport supports more than 96k full time jobs throughout SEPA, connecting our region to the . Today, I experienced the airport for the 1st time not as a traveler. I spoke with TSA agents, got a tour of the facilities, and learned about new projects coming to PHL. https://t.co/q8j6cljyJ9

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The horrific act of violence against our Muslim brothers and sisters in New Zealand this week sent shock waves across the world, for the hate that fueled these attacks is not new. We cannot let hate win -- the resolve of the human spirit is a much stronger force.

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Our community is one of the most diverse in the country - one I’m proud call home for over 30 years, to have raised my children in, and to now serve in Congress. Our words and actions matter. We are our brothers’ and sisters’ keeper and must denounce hate when we see it.

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RT @SwatAthletics: To-do list: ⬜️National Championship ✅Final Four ✅Elite Eight ✅Sweet Sixteen ✅Second Round ✅First Round ✅Centennial… https://t.co/hZj0z0u3S8

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The message has never been more clear: this is a #FakeEmergency. This declaration by the President was a reckless disregard for the separation of powers protected by our Constitution. https://t.co/gDWpoZ3m9t

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The message has never been more clear: this is a #FakeEmergency. This declaration by the President was a reckless disregard for the separation of powers protected by our Constitution. https://t.co/jUmn7p6NHi

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RT @SpanbergerVA07: When voters wonder what’s wrong with Washington-> this is it. If our campaign finance reform & anti-corruption bill d… QT @cspan: Q: "Why is the #GreenNewDeal getting a vote in the Senate when #HR1 is not?" @senatemajldr: "Because I get to deci… https://t.co/dhE5FwiFhp)

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RT @RepEscobar: During a ⁦@HouseJudiciary⁩ Committee hearing a few wks ago, I *specifically* asked Acting AG Whittaker if a list ex… https://t.co/D0cCz83OzC

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RT @JimFKenney: This past November, Pennsylvania elected four women to Congress — a new record. As we celebrate #WomensHistoryMonthhttps://t.co/0hXcdkYbPg

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