Deleted Tweets From Max Rose, D-N.Y.
Max Rose's accounts: RepMaxRose, MaxRose4NY
Tracked Between: January 03, 2019-December 28, 2020
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @MaxRose4NY: GREAT NEWS: Twitter has lifted its censorship and says we can post our ad to expose extremists who want to ban abor…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @malapick: Powerful! This is reality! QT @MaxRose4NY: NEW AD: Extremist Republican Nicole Malliotakis voted to let states ban abortion even if it means the mother will d…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @umikomorebi: Important to share QT @MaxRose4NY: GREAT NEWS: Twitter has lifted its censorship and says we can post our ad to expose extremists who want to ban abor…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @1stAnubiis: Abortion rights are women's rights! QT @MaxRose4NY: GREAT NEWS: Twitter has lifted its censorship and says we can post our ad to expose extremists who want to ban abor…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @JustSchmeltzer: This ad is incredible. Wish more Dems would run ones like it. QT @MaxRose4NY: GREAT NEWS: Twitter has lifted its censorship and says we can post our ad to expose extremists who want to ban abor…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @RachelBitecofer: Max Rose came to play. That's all we ask. Fight them. QT @MaxRose4NY: NEW AD: Extremist Republican Nicole Malliotakis voted to let states ban abortion even if it means the mother will d…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @NeilPMehta: Remember this when you vote next month. QT @MaxRose4NY: NEW AD: Extremist Republican Nicole Malliotakis voted to let states ban abortion even if it means the mother will d…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @BTP1960: This ad is brutal but right on point. QT @MaxRose4NY: NEW AD: Extremist Republican Nicole Malliotakis voted to let states ban abortion even if it means the mother will d…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @jasmike215: #NY11 Support A Woman's Right To Choose Vote for MAX ROSE. QT @MaxRose4NY: NEW AD: Extremist Republican Nicole Malliotakis voted to let states ban abortion even if it means the mother will d…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @tomservo10: Hard hitting ad. QT @MaxRose4NY: NEW AD: Extremist Republican Nicole Malliotakis voted to let states ban abortion even if it means the mother will d…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @RogueCitizenOne: Republican Nicole Malliotakis is another anti-abortion extremist who voted to ban all abortions, even ones to save the… QT @MaxRose4NY: NEW AD: Extremist Republican Nicole Malliotakis voted to let states ban abortion even if it means the mother will d…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @ViragoX: Share this far & wide QT @MaxRose4NY: GREAT NEWS: Twitter has lifted its censorship and says we can post our ad to expose extremists who want to ban abor…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @BrookeJ27540191: Vote for @MaxRose4NY for Congress #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy #VoteBlueToProtectWomen QT @MaxRose4NY: NEW AD: Extremist Republican Nicole Malliotakis voted to let states ban abortion even if it means the mother will d…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @AchievingLynn: Powerful powerful ad QT @MaxRose4NY: GREAT NEWS: Twitter has lifted its censorship and says we can post our ad to expose extremists who want to ban abor…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @VAButlerwrites: Pass this ad to friends and family, especially if they live in @MaxRose4NY district. QT @MaxRose4NY: GREAT NEWS: Twitter has lifted its censorship and says we can post our ad to expose extremists who want to ban abor…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @lseefeldt3: Powerful. QT @MaxRose4NY: GREAT NEWS: Twitter has lifted its censorship and says we can post our ad to expose extremists who want to ban abor…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @JustSchmeltzer: This ad is incredible. Wish more Dems would run ones like it. QT @MaxRose4NY: GREAT NEWS: Twitter has lifted its censorship and says we can post our ad to expose extremists who want to ban abor…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @pesterplarson3: That is great news Max Rose US House candidate NY-11 and please support and #VoteForMaxRoseNY11 QT @MaxRose4NY: GREAT NEWS: Twitter has lifted its censorship and says we can post our ad to expose extremists who want to ban abor…
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @MaxRose4NY: If you’d like to help us keep this video on the air, chip in $5, $10, $25, $50$ or whatever you can.�
MaxRose4NY (D-N.Y.)
RT @MaxRose4NY: NEW AD: Extremist Republican Nicole Malliotakis voted to let states ban abortion even if it means the mother will d…