Deleted Tweets From David B. McKinley, R-W.Va.
David B. McKinley's accounts: RepMcKinley, McKinleyforWV, mckinley4cong
Tracking Since: January 19, 2011
Today I met with student veterans at WVU and student reporters from the Daily Athenaeum.
Restaurants now charging and extra fee, blaming #Obamacare
We're continuing to monitor the water situation around the Charleston area.
A busy day in the First District. Looking forward to tonight's Town Hall meeting in New Cumberland.
5% in 2005 vs. 7.6% unemployment in 2013. It's a tale of two trips
FACT: #Coal is responsible for more than 760,000 #jobs #AffordableEnergy #4jobs
"We are not ready. Particulary when you look at the exchange programs, we are not ready," said Rep. McKinley in Wheeling Intelligencer.
"We are not ready. Particulary when you look at the exchange programs, we are not ready," aid Rep. McKinley in Wheeling Intelligencer paper.
President Obama’s plan to announce a series of new taxes and EPA regulations to combat climate change was reveled.
In honor of WV's 150th, the National Archives has posted a page. tp://
The House-passed budget would balance in 10 years, while the President’s won’t balance #ObamaBudget
Rep. McKinley just addresses members of the House concerning his opposition to funding cuts on fossil energy.