Deleted Tweets From Steve Chabot, R-Ohio
Steve Chabot's accounts: RepSteveChabot, SteveChabot
Tracking Since: January 19, 2011
"Reps. Steve Chabot of Ohio and Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington plan to introduce proposals to reopen applications for the $138 billion that remains unspent from the small business loan program."
I am glad that #CARESAct funding continues to help #SmallBiz through both the #PPP and local programs like this one. Click the link below for more information.
The @theHCDC Small Business Relief Program is now accepting a second round of applications for grants of up to $10,000. Eligible @HamiltonCountyOhio small businesses have until September 4th at 12:00 pm to apply.
RT @SteveChabot: .@KateForCongress is learning maybe it is not a good idea to lie in your introduction to voters. Schroder was embro…
I recently stopped by the Cincinnati Fire Department Station 24, in West Price Hill to drop off @LaRosasPizza to our first responders. Thank you for all that you do to keep our community safe, especially during these tough times. #inthistogetherohio #firefighters
RT @clancyburke: Ohio’s tax-free weekend is HERE! It applies to: ▫️ school supplies that are $25 or less ▫️ clothing that is $75 or…
Get well soon Governor! QT @MikeDeWine: As part of the standard protocol to greet President Trump on the tarmac in Cleveland, I took a COVID test. I teste…
RT @GovMikeDeWine: Free pop-up #COVID19 testing is happening in Cincinnati today from now until 4 p.m. Anyone can be tested. No appoin…
RT @GOP: We are 100 Days out till ELECTION DAY! Are you registered to vote? Don't miss out on the MOST historic election…
Endorsed by the NFIB the voice of small business, advocating on behalf of America’s small and independent business owners.
Excited to announce my endorsement by the Cincinnati FOP representing sworn law enforcement officers in the city. The Fraternal Order of Police is the world's largest organization of sworn law enforcement officers.
RT @GovMikeDeWine: Find this week's free pop-up testing locations below. No appointment necessary. A statewide map of other #Ohio te…
Team Chabot out knocking doors in Springboro today. Great to be out talking to voters about Steve's record of delivering results for Ohio families!
RT @Reds: Join us at Coney Island on Friday, July 3 for our free Reds, White and Blue Fireworks Show presented by @PNCBank! C…
Great to be on CSPAN this AM to talk about the PPP small business loan program. Take a look:
RT @FOX19: For the first time in more than a week, Cincinnati will not be under a curfew.
Recently dropped off pizza from N.Y.P.D. Pizza, a local small business on the Westside, to the @CheviotPolice. Thank you for your service.
RT @SecPompeo: Today, I reported to Congress that Hong Kong is no longer autonomous from China, given facts on the ground. The Uni…