Deleted Tweets From Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y.
Claudia Tenney's accounts: RepTenney, claudiatenney
Tracking Since: May 24, 2017
RT @RealJamesWoods: This blog is the opinion of one solitary American with a unique experience fighting for his child’s life in a commu…
Earlier this week @ABrindisiNY refused to call a baby in the womb a human. Today he voted against saving the lives of newborns who survive an abortion. This is hardly bipartisan, this is hardly common sense. This is nothing less than extreme #PhonyTony
RT @robbystarbuck: Michael Bloomberg actually just said that he bought 21 seats in Congress for the Democratic Party so that Nancy Pel…
So nice to catch up with @jalenjohnson! Good luck on your new adventure. #futurerockstar #NY22
@mattsgorman @ComfortablySmug @cspan It seems in these old clips that he has no problem with stuttering. Is this a new issue?
RT @joshdcaplan: POLITICO: Democrat Sens. Joe Manchin (WV), Doug Jones (AL), and Kyrsten Sinema (AZ) weighing vote to acquit Pres. T…
@ComfortablySmug They decided to hold the #Daytona500 at a @realDonaldTrump Rally! #MAGA
@tedcruz As @PlanetTyrus quipped, if you are talking about an animal in Texas, it’s likely a horse or a cow.
@gailhennessey @realDonaldTrump Such a bold faced lie and you know it.
Is this the Daytona 500 or a Trump rally? Looks the same to me. Seeing this same energy across Upstate New York! #JointheGreatAmericanComeback #MAGA #KeepAmericaGreat #NY22
@RaceforNY22 @uticaOD They aren’t unaware. They are all in to shill for @RepBrindisi. #NY22
@EdHickeyiii Except like @RepBrindisi, @MikeBloomberg are against #2A rights. #NY22
RT @ApeCityRoller: @mviser In politics, "courage" always means a Republican voting the way the Democrats want, but never the other way…