Deleted Tweets From Tim Ryan, D-Ohio
Tim Ryan's accounts: RepTimRyan, TimRyan
Tracking Since: February 14, 2008
Merch store is open! Show you’re #InWithTim & stock up on some union-printed swag.
RT @TimRyan: I'm running for U.S. Senate to fight like hell to cut workers in on the deal.
I’m proud to help out to our @CapitolPolice officers who work every day to keep the Capitol and members of Congress safe. It’s the least we can do to ensure they have a high-quality support system at work.
After such a tough year for Ohioans, this is music to my ears.
RT @PreparednessJoe: Follow-up on the F-22 flyover, here's a nice summary of the World War I Memorial unveiling ceremony courtesy of @rollc… QT @ReporterCioffi: More than a century later, WWI gets its memorial in Washington, @saksappeal has details about the official unveil…
RT @gosmallstay: Register to attend @YogaHill's free yoga session May 11! Led by @DanNevins and sponsored by @RepTimRyan.
If you agree with me, sign the petition: QT @TimRyan: 90% of Americans support universal background checks. It is long past time for the Senate to act on common-sense gun safety measures.)
If you agree with me, sign the petition: QT @TimRyan: 90% of Americans support universal background checks. It is long past time for the Senate to act on common-sense gun safety measures.)
Jane has touted trillions in tax cuts for the wealthy but when we try and cut workers in on the deal she is outraged. Give me a break. Try standing with Ohio workers just once in your life, Jane. QT @JaneyMurph: $2 trillion in leftist priorities, on the heels of another $2 trillion in giveaways, and @TimRyan wants it BIGGER?…
If we’re going to win this fight to cut working families in on the deal, we need to keep the momentum going. Can I count on you?
Great to chat with my friend @JoeCunningham - let's do it again soon! QT @JoeCunninghamSC: New pod out today! I sat down w/ my pal @TimRyan to chat about the GOP's Dr Suess distraction, gerrymandering, and…
RT @TVietor08: A friend of mine got #coronavirus. He is younger than me. Played sports in college. Served in the military. As youn…
RT @Thom_Hartmann: You MUST read & share this: The world is facing death in your lifetime.
RT @Thom_Hartmann: How can we use #mindfullness to embrace the #hillary or #bernie supporter in our lives? 202-536-3270 #FSTV #THOM
RT @thor_benson: Don't forget to take care of your mental health. Regularly take breaks from social media and the news. Listen to so…
RT @therecount: Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) yells at the GOP over union organizing bill: “Heaven forbid we pass something that’s going to…
RT @GoIUPAT: "One of the earlier speakers said, "This is the most dramatic changes in labor law in 80 years." And I say, "Thank…