Deleted Tweets From Tim Ryan, D-Ohio
Tim Ryan's accounts: RepTimRyan, TimRyan
Tracking Since: February 14, 2008
Democrats would have been trying to secure our countries in Central America so people don't leave there. Pick up your Presidential briefings. #TrumpAddress
@JordanUhl @erickmsanchez @MarkTMcDevitt I’m just an average man with with above average brand loyalty
Erin from Warren: "I have been with GM for 15 years, in that time I have had to pack up and move my family 2 times... I will once again be pulled away from my father and sister and have no help to care for my daughter if she requires more surgery in the future." #SaveLordstown
Honored to have received the Congressional Chamption award from @payourinterns! I’m proud to have led the effort in the House to ensuring our interns get paid. It was long over due. And congratulations to Pay Our Interns for reaching your two-year anniversary!
It is disgusting that this kind of violence can happen anywhere in the world, let alone in a country that claims to the leader of the free world. This horrific act happened at a time when we are seeing a historic rise in anti-Semitic incidents and anti-Semitic online harassment. QT @RepTimRyan: My heart goes out to yet another community ripped apart by gun violence and anti-Semitic hatred. Our brothers and s…
RT @amplifirenews_: Trump thinks he killed Obamacare, but it just set a NEW RECORD for signups! Go to to…
RT @amplifirenews_: Disgusting! Trump just made a racist comment about Native Americans at an event HONORING Native Americans
I've been proud to support my friend, @dannyoconnor, throughout his campaign. He is without a doubt the best person to represent OH-12 in Congress. Flipping this seat will send a POWERFUL message that we want an agenda that works for working people. Tomorrow, make sure you VOTE!
RT @Netroots_Nation: "We need a bold agenda. And you know what, that’s gonna mean we have to get in some fights." Those are fighting wo…
Labor unions built this country. Today's SCOTUS decision will eviscerate public-sector labor unions and hurt the hardworking men and women who depend on them. It's disappointing that SCOTUS ruled against protecting American workers. #Janus
This is outrageous. President Trump’s harmful policies are tearing families apart and losing children. The lack of accountability and responsibility has jeopardized the lives of 1,500 children.
RT @staceyabrams: You did it. #TeamAbrams just won our primary election, and this victory belongs to you.…
RT @Ojeda4congress: To every person that made phone calls, knocked on doors, put up signs and more....tonight starts the beginning of…
Happy 65th Birthday to @uakron’s own Zippy!!! Long before today he’s held a place of honor in my DC office .
RT @carolinerkenny: The Palmetto State is the place to be tonight as prospective 2020 candidate Rep. @TimRyan addresses "Jim Clyburn's…
In today's world, this is an important idea to keep in our heads. There are more friendly people than hostile ones in the world. We just need to see each other.
Great op-ed in the @vindicator from Robert Weiner and Ben Lasky. They discuss the important roll increased port security must have on cutting off the flow of illegal drugs like fentanyl into the United States.
Great op-ed in the @vindicator from Robert Weiner and Ben Lasky regarding the important roll increased port security must have on cutting off the flow of illegal drugs like fentanyl into the United States.
RT @DwyaneWade: Our conversation about bridging the gap between the students from Parkland, Florida and Chicago was really impressi…